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Put your sustainability knowledge to the test every month  

By Daniel Hiestand

Lane County Waste Reduction Outreach Coordinator

I'm not going to lie: developing content every month for this blog can be challenging. Not so much because there is not plenty to report on. Instead, it's keeping people engaged with the topic without either (a) boring you, (b) scaring you with climate doomism, or (c) sounding preachy.
Person on phone

This brings me to the topic at hand this month: my attempt to "gamify" the sustainability topics we cover from month to month. Last month, I launched a new "Quiz Time" feature with my newsletter that featured trivia-style questions on wasted food.

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Quiz results show that 25 people answered the 10 questions in last month's quiz, which included "True/False" and multiple choice formats.

Based on the results, the most challenging question was, "How much seafood goes to waste in the U.S.?" Only 21 percent got the answer correct (approximately 50 percent).

The easiest question? "True or False: 31% of the US food supply is wasted every year. This is the equivalent of 12 million elephants!" Seventy-five percent of quiz participants answered correctly (true).

Seeing the types of questions that stump folks will help improve my storytelling, and we hope it's fun and insightful for you. So, please: check out the quiz this month!


Master Recycler course starting up

Become a Master Recycler in 2024 with a FREE nine-week online course (Jan. 8 to March 8, 2024)! Master Recyclers are more than just sustainability and waste prevention champions. No matter the challenges, they constantly seek to learn and share best practices regarding responsible waste prevention and waste management, leading to real results that make a real difference. 

Students meet twice weekly for 1.5 hours per class and focus on waste prevention, waste reduction, and safe disposal of solid waste. Coursework includes one compost workshop and two offsite tours on Saturday mornings. Complete the Master Recycler Program Enrollment Application at 

Coming Soon to BRING: Repair + DIY Classes

BRING DIY classesBRING is excited to introduce brand-new classes and project-based workshops debuting at BRING in early 2024!

Designed to teach basic home repair and maintenance skills, the classes will strengthen your confidence to do-it-yourself and make upkeep of your home or rental a breeze.

BRING seeks community input to finalize the format of its new program. Please take their survey to help guide BRING in tailoring these class experiences to meet the needs of our participants.

Survey participants can enter BRING's raffle to win a BRINGmade Sasquatch wall hanging. The survey will close on Sunday, Jan. 14.

Lane County giving away FREE milk dispensers to schools

For Lane County schools seeking ways to reduce waste in the cafeteria, an exciting solution may be available! Waste Wise Lane County (a part of the Lane County Waste Management Division)--in partnership with Salem-Keizer Public Schools and Marion County--recently acquired 14 milk dispensers and is looking to donate them to county schools interested in putting them in their lunchrooms (see photo).
milk dispenser

Wasted milk is a big deal, both fiscally and environmentally.

A recent World Wildlife Fund article illustrated this: "Bulk milk dispensers save 248 gallons of water and 30 pounds of CO2 per student each year. To put those savings in context, that’s equivalent to almost 1.5 times the amount of water the average person consumes on a yearly basis and 33.8 miles driven by a gas-powered vehicle. With 49.5 million students attending K-12 schools in the US, this would be the same as taking over 145,000 gas-powered vehicles off the road each year.

"To understand the impact this change would have for a single school, a middle school in rural Marion County, Oregon, saw their average milk waste decrease from 250 gallons to 43 gallons of liquid milk over the course of a single year."

Interested in learning how your school can save money and help reduce waste with a new milk dispenser? Contact Waste Wise Lane County Supervisor Angie Marzano at [email protected].

Three holiday leftover recipe contest winners claim great prizes

County residents shared various yummy recipes during our Simplify the Holidays leftover recipe contest. Submitted recipes were published at eatsmartwasteless.tips. Waste Wise thanks Lion & OwlBRING, the Oregon State University Extension program, and Main Street Market for their support!holiday contest sponsors

Marilyn O'Malley (Never-the-Same Soup) - Lion & Owl $100 Gift Certificate 

Marla Cyphert (Egg, Ham & Cheese Muffin w/ Hollandaise Sauce) - One OSU Extension Service Master Food Preserver Workshop gift certificate; handout on food dehydration; handout on making flavored vinegar ($35 value); BRING $30 Gift Certificate + BRINGmade Hummingbird Carving ($21 value) 

Kay Oxford (Keto Chicken/Turkey & Dumplings) - One OSU Extension Service Master Food Preserver Workshop gift certificate; handout on food dehydration; handout on making flavored vinegar ($35 value); Main Street Market Sustainable Product Package ($50 value). 

Thanks to all who participated and did their part to prevent wasted food. See you next winter!

Posted by LCPWDJH On 03 January, 2024 at 2:02 PM  3 Comments

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deb (Guest) said On 10 January, 2024 at 2:41 PM
i tried taking the quiz: the only thing that came up was "Kahoot; your nickname is" (as if i care about some arbitrary nickname). Would've liked to take the Wasted Food quiz; as an electronic dinosaur don't waste much electronics. My big contribution to society (introvert here) is picking up litter when i walk (i've picked up ALOT); too bad i'm elder & leg joints hurt, & i walk lots less. I'm big into reducing waste, learning garbage, & really liked the 2004 Mastr Recyclng Class. thnx, Deb Craig  
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