Monkeypox (hMPXV)

Monkeypox vaccines page

Who can get a Monkeypox Vaccine? (Vaccine Criteria)

Who can get a Monkeypox Vaccine?

(Vaccine criteria updated by OHA on 9/14/22)

  1. Anyone who has been identified by public health as a contact of someone with monkeypox
  2. Anyone who has had close contact with someone with monkeypox
  3. Laboratory workers who routinely perform monkeypox virus testing
  4. Clinicians who have had a high-risk occupational exposure (e.g., examined monkeypox lesions or collected monkeypox specimens without using recommended personal protective equipment)
  5. Anyone who anticipates having or has had recent direct skin-to-skin contact with at least one other person AND who knows other people in their social circles or communities who have had monkeypox

In addition to this criteria, the Jynneos vaccine is eligible for anyone:

∙ Whose healthcare provider recommends vaccination against monkeypox
∙ Who is sexually active with two or more partners or have a sexual partner with two or more partners
∙ Who is living with HIV
∙ Who is eligible to take HIV PrEP or is taking HIV PrEP
∙ Who, since June 1, 2022, has had a new sex partner
∙ Who, in the past year, has been diagnosed with gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis
∙ Who, in the past year, has had sex with an anonymous partner, attended a sex-on-site venue, or has had group sex
∙ Who trades sex for money, goods, or services
∙ Who works in sex-on-site venues or dance in adult entertainment venues

∙ Who received a first dose of a Jynneos vaccine ≥ 28 days ago.

If you have an unexplained rash, sores or other symptoms, see your primary care provider — if you don’t have a provider please call (541) 682-4041. Keep the rash covered and avoid sex or being intimate with anyone until you have been checked out.

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