All Recording services (except for the public research library) have moved to the new County Clerk's Office, located at 275 W 10th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 (formerly the Elections Building).
The Lane County Board of Commissioners has appointed members to the Lane County Board of Property Tax Appeals Board (BoPTA) for the 2023-2025 term.
HB 2031 made changes to how the board is named and the terms of board members. Beginning January 1, 2024, the name will change to Property Value Appeals Board. Board members appointed to the current board will serve for 2 years.
What does the Board do?
The Board hears appeals, from taxpayers, of the value of their property. At a hearing, based on evidence presented by the taxpayer and the County, the Board makes a determination of the property's value, and issues an order. Training is provided.
What are the qualifications to serve on the Board?
Applicants must be residents of Lane County.
Applicants should have an interest in, or employment background in real property appraisal, finance, or real estate.
Applicants cannot be employees of the County or any taxing district within the County.
Board of Property Tax Appeals (BoPTA) (To be known as Property Value Appeals Board beginning January 1,2024) Forms and Instructions
The board is authorized by law to hear appeals of the value of
your property, including real market, maximum
assessed, specially assessed, or assessed values.
BoPTA does not hear appeals of the property tax
you pay. To submit an appeal of the value of your property, please complete the appropriate form below.
Filing Information
Authorization to Represent
Real Property Petition & Instructions
Personal Property Petition & Instructions
Waiver of Late Filing Penalty Instructions
Waiver of Late Filing Penalty Petition
File your petition in the office of the County Clerk. Your petition must be postmarked or delivered by December 31. If December 31 falls on a weekend or holiday, the filing deadline moves to the next business day.
Board of Property Tax Appeals Filing Fees
For each tax account appealed:
For accounts under the same ownership,
appealed by the same party, and located
in a single platted subdivision:
$350 maximum
Submit Petitions and Payment to:
Lane County Board of Property Tax Appeals
County Clerk's Office
275 W 10th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401