Healthcare Workforce & System Transformation

Oregon Health Authority launched Healthier Together, a tool for people working to advance health equity in our state.  It names 62 strategies along with supporting activities that can be put into action to improve health.

Evidence-based and Promising Practices:

Suicide Prevention

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
The Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention, and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) - Suicide Training. Lane County frequently holds free of charge training for the community. Contact Roger Brubaker at (541) 682-8731 to find out when the next training is. You can also take an online course immediately from the QPR Institute.
is a half-day training program from LivingWorks that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention. There is a cost for the training/materials.

Download the Columbia Community Suicide Screening Tool for Clinicians

Substance Use Disorder & Mental Health

PRIME Peer Program through HIV Alliance is a response to substance overdose in Lane County. Peers will help you with getting basic needs met and provide resources to treatment when you want it. 
Community brochure - or - Program description

Mental Health America (MHA) released a new report, “Creating Better Care for Adults with Comorbid Chronic Conditions,” which explores the experiences of adults with co-occurring physical and mental health conditions and provides recommendations for providers to address barriers to initiating treatment, improve patient engagement, and create better care. 

Click here for Oregon Health Authority's "Reducing Opioid Overdose and Misuse" webpage with resources for pain management and opiate use disorder. 

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is a national non-profit health promotion charity and teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. There are population-focused training models available including healthcare professionals. Virtual classes coming soon.

Mental Health First Aid for Fire and EMS focuses on the unique experiences and needs of firefighters and EMS personnel and is a valuable resource that can make a difference in their lives, their families’ lives and the communities in which they live. Firefighters and EMS workers learn about the importance of early intervention and how, as first responders, they can intervene in the field and provide direct assistance to someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis. Learn more: download the Mental Health First Aid for Fire and EMS one-pager.

Support & Self-Care Resources

Provider Support Resources from Trauma Healing Project can be found here

CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: For Providers

LaneCare Self-Care one-pager.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network published "Taking Care of Yourself" use this list to help you decide which self-care strategies will work for you.

The Trauma Healing Project
is a local organization that has resources for providers and community members on trauma informed practices. Here is their training schedule.

Lines for Life has created a Virtual Wellness Room to offer support to helpers, mental health professionals, first responders, social workers and anyone considered an essential worker. 

Webinars & Trainings

RACISM in Perinatal & Pediatric Health: Virtual Workshop Series for Oregon Health Professionals. A 6-week series with primary topics on Anti-Racism and Advocacy. There is a cost for this workshop as well as for the CEUs. 

Stanford University Manager Anti-Racism Toolkit, to support dialogue about racism within a community and engage and unite that community in actions that will advance racial justice (this toolkit uses Stanford staff). 

CDC Workplace Health Model

WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model:
Background and Supporting Literature and Practices

Oregon Health Reform: Tackling Oregon's Inpatient Mental Health Crisis presentation materials

Motivational Interviewing: Communication Skills to Support Patient-Centered Care presentation from SAMHSA
- Motivational Interviewing: Communication Skills to Support Patient-Centered Care developed by the SAMHSA Northwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center 

SAMHSA’s Practitioner Training webpage contains a directory of all SAMHSA training and technical assistance centers. Trainings and events can be accessed by visiting the individual centers. In addition, the SAMHSA Technology Transfer Centers (TTC) program contains a list of trainings for the three TTCs.

Reaction to Difficult Experience from the Pandemic, information on common disorders and reactions that people are experiencing.

MHACBO has put together some organizations that are offering free CEUs online. View the document here. produces resources and tools related to higher education with an eye on affordability and accreditation. Helping students and prospective students make the right choices for their unique situations. 

This is a link for recovering addicts looking to use their experiences to help others as an addiction counselors. This resource reviews the various courses students would take, the certifications & licensure needed to practice, as well as scholarships to aid in covering the costs of school. 

Screening Tools

Screening tools: 
Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Take a mental health test.

Visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse "Screening and Assessment Tools Chart" for evidence-based screening tools and assessment resource materials.

SBIRT: Now More Than Ever, a Mental Health/Substance Use Technology Transfer Center Network presentation

        ~~~ Download a 1-page list of the below tools here. ~~~
Substance Use Screening Tools:
National Institute of Drug Use Quick Screen
• Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)
• CAGE Substance Use Screening Tool (web based)
   CAGE Print Version
Cognitive Screening Tools:
 Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) - Description
   SLUMS Print Version
• Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - Description
  MoCA Self-Assessment (interactive)
  MoCA Print Version
Anxiety Screening Tools:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Description
  PTSD Civilian Version
• Primary Care PTSD Screen - Description and Information 
   Print version 5-item Screen  
• General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) web-based interactive
   Print version GAD-7 Form
• Life Events Checklist - Description and Information
  Standard Self-Report
  Extended Self-Report
  Interview Version with Abuse Ratings
Depression Screening Tools:
Social Connectedness Scale 
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item- Description
  PHQ-9 Self-Assessment (web based)
  PHQ-9 Print Form


Visit the Lane County LaneCare "Provider Information" for OHP Providers.

Telehealth Billing for OR Insurance Companies
, and article by

Rural Health Care and Medicaid Telehealth Flexibilities, and Guidance Regarding Section 1009 of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act (Pub. L. 115-271), entitled Medicaid Substance Use Disorder Treatment via Telehealth. Read it from CMS here.

thank youThe executive summary below was developed by the Healthcare Workforce & System Transformation task team and includes major conclusions and stress/loss point of this population during COVID19.
Click here to read the summary.
thank you garden
Thank you to the following folks who contributed their time and expertise to developing this toolkit for the community:
• Alicia Meenaghan, LaneCare/PacificSource BH
• Britni D'Eliso, PacificSource Community Solutions
• Doug Mozan, Eugene Police Department
• Jamie Lloyd, Orchid Health Clinic
• Leilani Brewer, LaneCare
• Lucy Zammarelli, Lane County LaneCare
• Jeff Colson, Behavioral Heath Consultant in Primary Care: Peacehealth
• Rhonda Busek, Lane Community Health Council
• Terrance Killian, Relief Nursery

If you have any suggestions or questions about this page, please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at (541) 520-4720 or at [email protected]

High Prairie Fire Evacuation Information -

Click here for information.