
Oregon’s System of Care Advisory Council

Senate Bill 1 (2019) established the Governor's System of Care Advisory Council. Senate Bill 4 (2021) authorized the council to appoint an executive director and make recommendations on state agency budgets.

The council acts as a central, impartial forum for statewide policy development, funding strategy recommendations and planning. The council's goal is to improve the effectiveness and efficacy of child-serving state agencies and the continuum of care that provides services to youth (ages 0-25). 

Statewide System of Care

System of Care Data Dashboard

This dashboard is designed to display data for young people involved with child serving systems and combines data from Child Welfare, the Office of Developmental Disability Services, Oregon health Authority, and juvenile justice.

What is Systems of Care?

An informative PowerPoint presentation created by Oregon Family Support Network that explains what a System of Care is and how it can serve families.

High Prairie Fire Evacuation Information -

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