Members must live within the geographical boundaries of Lane County. The group range will be between five (5) to eleven (11) members, with the aim of having at least one representative per district as determined by the most up to date district maps. Additionally, the committee membership shall include at least two (2) designated alternates.
There will be two types of members who can be a part of the EPAB. Those are voting members and alternate members.
Voting Members: Voting members are individuals who make up the voting membership of the EPAB. These individuals make up the board’s quorum, vote on any EPAB matters, and can hold officer positions.
Alternate Members: Alternate members are individuals who attend meetings, can provide questions or insight within regular or special meetings, but do not hold voting rights and cannot hold officer positions. If there are any vacancies of the EPAB, alternate members will have first right of refusal to fill the position.