Week of April 17, 2007


9:00 a.m.                                             (Harris Hall Main Floor)


(Please turn off all cell phones)






All claims will be heard together in the order listed. Comments should clearly identify the claims to be addressed and speak to the requirements of Measure 37.  For a separate discussion and action following the hearings, claims may be removed by the Board to be considered separately.  The rest of the listed claims may be acted upon by one motion.   (View Material)


Further information about each claim is available in the Law Library and Land Management.  Comment forms are available on the County website (www.lanecounty.org) and at the Board meeting to help direct your comments to issues relevant to Measure 37 claims.


1.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-1/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Brewer1, PA06-7165).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


2.         PUBLIC HEARING/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-7181, Cone Investments).   (View Material)

   (View Additional Roster Material)


3.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-2/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Decker3/PA06-7188).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)

4.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-3/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Decker1, PA 06-7185).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


5.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-4/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Decker2, PA 06-7186).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


6.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-5/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Decker4/PA06-7187).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


7.         PUBLIC HEARING/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA05-6589, Demers, Gregory).   (View Material)

   (View Additional Roster Material)


8.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-6/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA 06-7180, Egge).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


9.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-7/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Eubank/PA06-7179).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


10.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-8/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Graham, PA06-7166).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


11.       PUBLIC HEARING/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-7172, Heceta Lake).  (View Material)

   (View Additional Roster Material)


12.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-9/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Humphrey/PA06-7335).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


13.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-10/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Hunt, PA06-7167).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


14.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-11/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Keepers2/PA06-7175).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


15.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-12/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Kempf/PA06-7189).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


16.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-13/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Kilmer/PA06-7339).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


17.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-14/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Mathews/PA06-7176).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


18.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-15/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Mentzer, PA06-7169).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


19.       DELIBERATION AND ACTION/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-7177, Mosby2).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


20.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-16/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Slusher/PA06-7174).

   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material

21.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-17/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Sly, PA 06-7184).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)

22.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-18/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA 06-7183, Springfield Country Club).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


23.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-19/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Vilhauer/PA06-7178).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


24.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-20/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Webking, PA 06-7182).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


25.       PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-4-17-21/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (Whitney, PA06-7173).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)




1.         DELIBERATION AND ACTION/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-7323, Barnes) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).

   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


2.         DELIBERATION AND ACTION/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-6975, Barrowcliff Partnership, Ltd.) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).   (View Material)

   (View Additional Roster Material)


3.         DELIBERATION AND ORDER 07-4-17-22/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-6951, Dowdy) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


4.         DELIBERATION AND ACTION/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-6896, Green2) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).

   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


5.         DELIBERATION AND ORDER 07-4-17-23/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-6830 Johnson2) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)


6.         DELIBERATION AND ACTION/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA06-6846, Titus) (NBA & PM 3/13/07).   (View Material)   (View Additional Roster Material)




9:00 a.m.                                                         (Commissioners’ Conference Room)


(Please turn off all cell phones)





(Maximum time 20 minutes:  Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.  If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.)




(All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.)


BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ( 2 min.)


A.        Approval of Minutes:

March 21, 2007, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

October 25, 2006, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

March 21, 2007, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.


B.         County Administration


1)         ORDER 07-4-18-1/In the Matter of Designating Anette Spickard, Lane County Assessor as the Tax Administrator for the Lane County Public Safety Income Tax, and Authorizing a Contract for Administrative Services.   (View Material)


END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





   5.      COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit)




a.         REPORT/Watershed Councils. (Dana Erickson, Coordinator, Long Tom Watershed Council) (TIME CERTAIN 9:30 A.M.) (45 min.)   (View Material)


b.         REPORT/Legislative Leadership Tour of Southwestern Counties, April 21, 2007. (Tony Bieda) (10 min.)




a.         Announcements


b.         ORDER 07-4-18-2/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Westech for the Manufacture of a New Treatment System for the Mapleton Water District Using CDBG Funds in the Amount Not to Exceed $253,790. (Mike McKenzie-Bahr) ( 5 min.)   (View Material)


   8.      PUBLIC WORKS


a.         ORDER 07-4-18-3/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Land Management Division County Surveyor’s Office Fees (LM 60.853 and 60.854), Effective July 1, 2007. (Bill Robinson) (10 min.)   (View Material)


b.         FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PA 1241/In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) and Veneta Comprehensive Plan Maps to Expand the Veneta Urban Growth Boundary to Include .36 Acre of Land; Redesignate That Land From a RCP Designation of ‘Forest’ to a Veneta Plan Designation of ‘Medium Density Residential’; Concurrently Rezone That Land From Lane Code (LC) Chapter 16 ‘F2 - Impacted Forest Lands’ to LC Chapter 10 ‘RR - Rural Residential’; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No: PA 06-7487; Applicant: City of Veneta) (Second Reading & Public Hearing: May 9, 2007). (Stephanie Schulz) ( 5 min.)   (View Material)


c.         SIXTH READING AND DELIBERATION/Ordinance No. PA 1238/In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan to Revise the “Significant Mineral and Aggregate Resources Inventory”; Metro Plan Redesignation from “Agriculture” to “Sand and Gravel”; Rezoning from “E30/Exclusive Farm Use Zone” to “SG/Sand, Gravel & Rock Products Zone”; to Allow Mining on 72.31 Acres of Land Pursuant to Lane Code 12.225 and 16.252 and the Goal 5 Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 660-023); and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (file no. PA 05-6151, Delta Property Co.) (NBA & PM 10/18/06, 11/1/06, 12/12/06, 2/14/07 & 3/14/07). (Stephanie Schulz)


d.         REPORT/Land Management Manager Position. (Ollie Snowden) (10 min.)


e.         REPORT/Hazeldell Fire Department. (Ollie Snowden) (10 min.)








  12.     EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

            (Commissioners' Conference Room)




*NOTE:  Estimated Times


*NOTE:          Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, May 1 and/or Wednesday, May 2, 2007.

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