Citizen Involvement Opportunities

Citizen Budget Committee

The County’s ten-member Budget Committee is made up of five county commissioners and five citizens as mandated by Oregon Revised Statute 294.336. Each commissioner appoints one of the five citizens. This committee reviews and approves the County budget, limits the amount of tax which may be levied by the County and establishes a tentative maximum amount for total permissible expenditures for each department and fund in the County budget.
Citizen members serve staggered terms of up to three years ending on December 31st of the final year. Citizens may be appointed for multiple terms. Initial budget committee meetings are scheduled in April of each year where relevant topics relating to Lane County’s budget are presented to the committee by experts in their corresponding field. Regular Budget Committee meetings usually occur twice a week in April and May of each year. Please contact the Commissioners’ Office at 541-682-4203 if you are interested in the Budget Committee or need additional information.

Public Hearings/Public Comment

Citizens can appear in person to share comments directly with the Budget Committee at one of the open meetings, or with the Board of County Commissioners prior to budget adoption. Written material can either be hand delivered, mailed, faxed, or submitted via email attention Lane County Budget Committee.

Metro TV and Webcasts

If you are unable to attend Board of Commissioner or Budget Committee meetings in person, Metro TV telecasts all Board and Budget Committee meetings on Comcast cable channel 21. You may also view the meetings as a webcast at the County’s internet website under Government, Board of Commissioners, Board Meeting Webcasts.

Lane County Website

In addition to webcasts of meetings, budget related information is available on the County’s Internet site: including links to the current year budget, the proposed budget, agendas for upcoming Budget Committee and Board meetings, and Commissioners’ email addresses.

Lane County Expenditure & Revenue Transparency Reporting

In accordance with direction from the Lane County Commissioners, the Financial Services Division of County Administration prepares monthly transparency reports for its Citizens. Transparency Reporting includes monthly schedules of revenues and expenditures, and access to approved board orders and minutes of board meetings. These transparency reports are designed to meet the reporting requirements of Oregon Revised Statute 294.250. The Expenditure & Revenue Reporting can be found at: Once you are on the Lane County Finance page, click on Other Reports / Expenditure & Revenue Transparency Reporting.

Social Media

For those of you who would like to follow decisions of the Lane County Board of Commissioners online, you can follow us on twitter “@LC Board”.
Lane County Administration
125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-682-4203
Fax: 541-682-4616
Email: [email protected]

Community Funding Request Process

Community Funding Request Forms are made available in January of each year and are due back to the County Administration Office in early March for consideration in the upcoming fiscal year.
Lane County currently does not have dedicated resources for new program requests, however, community groups wishing to submit a request for budget committee consideration and possible inclusion in the next budget can complete and submit a Community Request Form (see the "Quick Links" on this page for a copy of this form). All requests are forwarded to the appropriate Lane County Advisory Committee for reviewal before being sent to the full budget committee for consideration. Community groups submitting requests are provided with a scheduled time to appear before the budget committee to provide additional information and answer questions. Contact the County Administrator’s Office at 541-682-4203 or check the Budget Committee Schedule posted on our website at: to obtain more information on submitting a community funding request in the future.

Winter Weather -

Some services are affected by winter weather. Offices may be closed or open late. Please call ahead to confirm status.