Records Request Process

How To Request A Public Record

    1. Requester submits completed Public Record Request (Page of 1 this form) to the appropriate address below. Please try to be specific about the public record(s) you are seeking. Asking for "any and all" documents relating to a particular subject or document can require a substantial investment of time and/or lead to a vast number of responsive documents. This can lead to substantial cost for the individual requesting the public record(s).

    2. Lane County will respond to the requester acknowledging the request and include one of the following statements:

    ~Lane County is in possession of the records you have requested. The charge for these records is $_____, calculated as follows:

    a. Staff time (calculated by hourly rate; plus 2.5%)

    b. Copies (black and white) = $0.25 per page

    c. Copies (color) = $1.50 per page

    d. Copies (11 x 17 in black and white) = $1.50 per page

    e. Copying or Recording information to a CD = $10.00 per CD

    f. Copy of Annual Budget (per copy) = $35.00

    ~ Lane County does not possess, or is not the custodian of, the records you have requested.

    ~Some or all of the records you have requested are exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. (ORS 192.410 to 192.505).

    ~ Lane County is the custodian of at least some of the records you have requested. We estimate it will take approximately _____ days before the public records may be inspected or copies of the records can be provided. We estimate that the cost of researching and copying the requested records is $_____, calculated as follows:

    a. Staff time (calculated by hourly rate; plus 2.5%)

    b. Copies (black and white) = $0.25 per page

    c. Copies (color) = $1.50 per page

    d. Copies (11 x 17 in black and white) = $1.50 per page

    e. Copying or Recording information to a CD = $10.00 per CD

    f. Copy of Annual Budget (per copy) = $35.00

    ~ Lane County is the custodian of at least some of the records you have requested. An estimate of when these records can be disclosed, and an estimate of required fees, will be provided to you within a reasonable time.

    ~ Lane County is uncertain whether the records you have requested are possessed by Lane County. Lane County staff will search for these records and provide you with additional information on your request within a reasonable time.

    ~ State or Federal law prohibits Lane County from acknowledging whether the record exists or that acknowledging whether the record exists would result in the loss of federal benefits or other sanctions.

    3. If the estimated cost of locating, assembling, copying and reviewing the requested documents is less than $25, the department may proceed with such work. The requestor must arrange payment of the balance due prior to receipt of the requested documents.

    4. If the estimated cost exceeds $25, Lane County must provide an estimate to the requestor and stop any work on the request until payment is received in the estimated amount. If the requestor chooses to pay the estimated amount, work will be done in a reasonable amount of time. If the time and resources spent on the request are less than the paid amount, a refund will be provided. If the time and resources spent on the request exceed the estimated amount, the documents will be provided upon receipt of balance due.

    5. Lane County shall locate and assemble the record(s) requested, eliminating any records which are exempt from disclosure (ORS 192.410 to 192.505). Lane County shall charge a reasonable fee for the location, assemblage, copying, and review of the records as allowed under ORS 192.440.

    Get a records request form here.

    Submit Requests to:
    Lane County Public Records
    c/o Lane County Office of Legal Counsel
    125 East 8th Avenue
    Eugene, OR 97401
    [email protected]
    (541) 682-6417

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