Risk Management

The Risk Management Program, working in conjunction with departments and individual employees, seeks to mitigate loss exposure to Lane County by identifying and minimizing financial consequences of potential liabilities. The program also processes claims and seeks recovery for damages and injuries, advises departments and vendors of County insurance requirements, and purchases excess insurance coverage, among other responsibilities.  

Lane County Risk Management:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 541-682-9828


I have some safety concerns relative to my workplace. Who do I call?

Employees of Lane County government may contact Risk Management via email or telephone at (541) 682-3971.

Employees of other employers can contact Oregon OSHA via email or telephone at (503) 378-3272 (V/TTY) or (800) 922-2689.

How do I file a claim for injuries or property damage I sustained resulting from of the acts of County employees? How long can I expect to wait before a decision is made on my claim?

If you have sustained bodily injury, submit a completed Bodily Injury Claim Form. If you have a property damage claim, submit a completed Property Damage (other than Road Paint)Claim Form. If you have a claim for Road Striping Paint on your vehicle, submit a complete Road Striping Paint Damage Claim Form.

Once we receive your form, it will be assigned a claim number and an investigation will begin. You should receive an update on your claim within two weeks, although this time may be extended during peak times.

Will the County pay for damage caused by a falling tree or limb that is located on County property?

In most cases, no; falling trees are considered an “act of God” beyond the control of County staff and damages are not reimbursable.

Will the County pay to remove road striping paint from my vehicle? What do I do if I get road paint on my car?

The County pays very few paint claims. Detail shops are typically well equipped to remove the water-based road paint, and are typically less expensive than paint or body shops. See Procedures for Removing Road Paint from Vehicles for more information.

Why aren’t signs posted when road lines are painted?

Lane County is required to apply striping to the road for safety; we use a fast drying paint in conjunction with lead and follow vehicles to allow for drying time between the paint truck and vehicles traveling the roadway. The loss exposure to drivers following driving requirements set by statute is minimal.

Winter Weather -

Some services are affected by winter weather. Offices may be closed or open late. Please call ahead to confirm status.