Elder Abuse

Elder abuse can be physical abuse or neglect, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, or financial abuse.  These are crimes committed against victims who are age 65 or older.  In Lane County there is a collaborative multidisciplinary team working to educate the community about elder abuse and to provide comprehensive services to victims of elder abuse and their families.

To report Elder Abuse or Neglect, call 541-682-4140 or toll free 800-441-4038 and ask for Adult Protective Services. If someone is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.

Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team
Lane County has an Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). The team consists of members from the District Attorney's Office, the Oregon Department of Human Services, Lane County Mental Health, all law enforcement agencies in the county, and other community-based service programs. 


Lane County Abuse Reporting & Adult Protective Services
541-682-4140 or toll free 800-441-4038

Lane County Circuit Court Restraining Order Services

Oregon Department of Human Services, Adult and Family Services
(503) 945-5921
TTY: 1-800-282-8096

Oregon Department of Justice, Elder Abuse Services

Oregon Department of Justice, Consumer Protection - Medicaid Fraud Services

Winter Weather -

Some services are affected by winter weather. Offices may be closed or open late. Please call ahead to confirm status.