Patient Education

We encourage our patients to take an active role in managing their health. Education helps patients feel confident about what they are experiencing and also helps them ask the right questions of their medical providers and care team.
To schedule an appointment with your Community Health Centers of Lane County medical provider, please call: 541-682-3550.

self care
Holiday Stress 101: Manage Expectations & Develop Self-Care for the Busy Season.
Gain awareness and skills to get through the holidays without too much stress! Develop your own self-care plan. This series will focus on understanding stress and what it means to your body, you will learn about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and get tips for setting holiday expectations for yourself and family. To reserve a space, call 541-682-3550. Click on the link below for a flyer with details about the series.
Holiday Stress flyer2.pdf



Wellness 101: Get Ready for Summer 2024
Have you thought about learning new ways to feel better but struggled to know where to start? Call today to reserve a space in our Wellness 101 series!
Join us every Tuesday starting July 9th at the Delta Oaks Clinic! The series will focus on self care with sessions on stress and stress management, getting better sleep, changing habits and goal setting. 
For more information and to reserve a space, please call Courtney Woodward LPC at 541-682-7465. Click on the link below for a flyer with details about the series.

Wellness 101 Series flyer SUMMER 2024.pdf

Tues. July 7, 2024. Wellness 101: Stress Management
Tues. July 16, 2024. Wellness 101: Get Better Sleep 
Tues. July 23, 2024. Wellness 101: Stop the Habit

Tues. July 30, 2024. Wellness 101: Goal Setting


Mindfulness Videos

Practicing Mindfulness and intentional self-care is needed, now more than ever. These mindfulness videos offer strategies and practices to decrease stress and anxiety, enhance resilience and improve our health and well-being.
The videos are led by Amy Trezona, RN, NBC-HWC. Ms. Trezona is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor and group facilitator. 

To view video, click on video title:
April 9, 2020: Acknowledging Feelings Decreases Stress
April 16, 2020: The Gifts of Gratitude
April 23, 2020: Experiencing "What Is": A Practice for Decreasing Stress
April 30, 2020: Immediacy: Contact Your Direct Experience
May 7,2020:  Three Benefits of Mindfulness Practice
May 14,2020: The Gap for Positive Change
May 21, 2020: Setting Intentions
May 28, 2020: The Gift of Listening Generously
June 4, 2020: Guided Imagery for Difficult Times
June 11, 2020: Releasing Difficult Emotions
June 18, 2020: LovingKindness Meditation for Stress Relief
June 25, 2020: Breath as Medicine
July 2, 2020: Strong Preferences and Suffering
July 9, 2020: Tend and Befriend Your Anxious Brain
July 16, 2020: Simple Steps for Meditation
July 30, 2020: Learn to Let Yourself Relax
August 6, 2020: Guidance from Your Future Self
August 13, 2020: What Matters Most
August 27, 2020: Beginner's Mind and Acknowledgment
Sep 3, 2020: Attitudes of Mindfulness-NonJudgement & NonStriving


Emotional Support Resources

You are Not Alone. Please call for support.
No estás solo. Por favor llama para pedir ayuda.

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988 
Línea de prevención del suicidio y crisis

White Bird Crisis Line
: 541-687-4000
local 24/7 mental health crisis line
Línea de 24 horas para crisis mental

: 541-682-5111 in Eugene, and 541-726-3714 in Springfield
Mobile crisis response
Atención móvil de crisis

Looking Glass Crisis Response
: 1-888-989-9990 
Child/youth crisis line
Para niños/jóvenes en crisis

Crisis Text Line
: Text HELLO to 741-741
Envía el mensaje HELLO en texto al 741-741

Hope & Safety Alliance
(fka Womenspace): 1-800-281-2800
Domestic violence
Violencia doméstica

: 541-343-7277 or 1-844-404-7700
Sexual assault support services
Sobrevivientes de violencia sexual

WellMama Support Line
:  call or text 541-525-0495 
Pregnant and new moms
Mujeres embarazadas y mamás nuevas (teléfono o texto)

Hourglass Crisis Center: 541-505-8426
24/7 drop-in crisis center - 71 Centennial Loop, Suite A, Eugene
Centro de crisis abierto 24 horas-71 Centennial Loop, Suite A, Eugene

Summer Outdoor Recreation Activities/ Actividades al Aire Libre en el Verano

Health Topics

Colorectal Cancer Screening       (Spanish)               
Healthy Heart                
Nutrition Awareness      (Spanish)
Alcohol Awareness     (Spanish)
Mental Health Awareness     (Spanish)
National Safety     (Spanish)
Immunization Awareness    (Spanish)
Childhood Obesity     (Spanish)
Breast Cancer Awareness    
Diabetes Awareness   
Hand Hygiene      (Spanish
Hypertension Awareness    

Winter Weather -

Some services are affected by winter weather. Offices may be closed or open late. Please call ahead to confirm status.