Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures is a standing committee. The County sees a need for standing committees to advise the Board of Commissioners or the County Administrator in areas of interest of the County. Each standing committee shall provide an annual report to the Board by February of each year that highlights the progress, successes and challenges of the committee.   



    1. Name. The name of this committee is the Lane County Policy and Procedures Committee ("Committee").

    2. Purpose. As adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners ("Board"), Section 3.675 of the Lane Manual provides that:

      The function of this committee is to provide recommendations on all new issues that have the potential for requiring the Board to adopt a final policy or position, or change existing policy, and may include:

      1. Personnel related policies, particularly those relating to Lane Charter, Code or Manual provisions;

      2. The operating procedures between the Board, the County Administrator, and elected and administrative Department Directors;

      3. The development of rules and procedures on the Board's internal operations. This could include such issues as Board representation on committees or organizations, and the authority and role of those representatives or procedures for making Board appointments to the Budget or Advisory Committees; and

      4. Other policy matters referred by the Board.

    3. Matters for the Committee's consideration are described in Article E of these Bylaws.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee must meet at least annually.
  1. Regular Committee meetings will be scheduled on a quarterly basis during the fiscal year, in advance. However: if, 10 days prior to any meeting, no pending matters are before the Committee for consideration at the upcoming meeting, the Chair is authorized to cancel that meeting.

  2. The Committee Chair may schedule additional meetings when requested by a majority of the Committee members.


    1. Membership. As provided in Section 3.675 of the Lane Manual:

  1. Two County Commissioners, appointed annually by the Board.

  2. The County Administrator or the Administrator's designee.

  3. The County Counsel or the Counsel's designee.

  4. Three Department Directors, at least one of whom must be an elected official, appointed by the remaining members of the Committee.

Membership Term

    1. Terms. Except for the Commissioner members, all other Committee members serve from time of appointment until resignation, removal, replacement, or termination of status as a County employee.  Commissioners are appointed annually by the Board of Commissioners.


Two members of the Lane County Board of Commissioners shall be appointed as a representative to this committee.

Expiration Date



Either through the annual committee assignments process at the Board (Commissioner Representative) or vote of committee (county staff committee members).

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Diana Jones

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