Facilities Standing Committee

Facilities is a standing committee. The County sees a need for standing committees to advise the Board of Commissioners or the County Administrator in areas of interest of the County. Each standing committee shall provide an annual report to the Board by February of each year that highlights the progress, successes and challenges of the committee.   


The function of this committee is to provide recommendations to the Board regarding County owned and leased facilities in the following areas:
(a) The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for County facilities,
(b) Real Property acquisitions and sales,
(c) Facilities Maintenance and Custodial Services,
(d) Construction and remodel activities, and
(e) Use of County facilities.

Meeting Schedule

1st Monday of every month
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Board of Commissioners Conference Room, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene Oregon (or by use of video conferencing which provides two-way, real-time audible communication).
Contact: David Ward (541-682-6267)


The Committee:
-Two Lane County Board of Commissioners, as appointed by the Board,
-Three Department Directors, at least one of whom must be elected, as appointed by the Board,
-The County Administrator, ex officio, and 
-The County’s Director of Operations, ex officio.

Membership Term

-Committee Members appointed by the Board, one year, which may be extended indefinitely through the Board's annual committee assignments,
-For Committee Members serving ex officio, for so long as the member holds the designated position, and
-For Department and Office representatives, for so long as appointed by the Department or Office.
-Staff Liaison to the Committee: the Capital Improvements Supervisor.


Departments and Office must select a representative to the Committee:
-Assessment & Taxation,
-County Administration,
-District Attorney,
-Health & Human Services,
-Human Resources,
-Public Works,
-Technology Services,
-Courts, and
-County Counsel.

Voting Members

Comprised of:
-The three Department Directors, at least one of whom must be elected,
-The County Administrator, and
-The Director of Operations.


-For Committee Members appointed by the Board, by appointment by the Board,
-For Committee Members serving ex officio, by the successor officer, and
-For Department and Office representatives, by vote by of the Committee members.

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