Community Corrections Supervision

In Lane County there are approximately 3,200 offenders on supervision.  Offenders may be placed on specialized caseloads or general caseloads. 

Specialized caseloads consist of Sex Offenders, Domestic Violence Offenders, and Gang Affiliated Offenders.   One officer is assigned to the Interagency Narcotics Team to supervise high profile drug cases in our community. 

General caseload supervision is available for other felony cases which include but are not limited to Property Crimes, Assaults, and lower-level drug crimes.

Probation & Parole Officer's work with offenders convicted of Felony crimes.  We also supervise approx. 50 misdemeanor Domestic Violence offenders through a grant.  Efforts are concentrated on offenders who are most likely to commit new crimes.  These offenders have often been in prison and can have several previous felony convictions.  Typically, high risk offenders have substance abuse/mental health problems.  Offenders considered the highest risk  are given the greatest amount of supervision. 

Contacts between offenders and supervising officers include home and office visits, employment checks, law enforcement checks, searches, random urine tests for drug/alcohol use, and polygraph tests to monitor compliance with conditions of supervision.  As risk to re-offend decreases, offender contact is reduced. 

Additionally, each offender is subject to a full array of sanctions and services to hold them accountable and to reduce the likelihood that they will commit more crimes.


  • Community Service- Offenders are assigned to work for nonprofit agencies in the community. 
  • Electronic Monitoring- The offender is equipped with a small transmitter attached to the ankle.  A very specific schedule is required and a computer alerts officers whenever the offender is not where he/she is supposed to be.
  • Jail-Offenders are sanctioned to a jail sentence, with the length of stay dependant upon the violation along with risk score. 
  • Intensive Supervision-The offender may be seen up to five times per week, be on a curfew, have frequent employment checks, submit to drug tests, and be subject to more frequent home checks.
  • Community Corrections Center-This program houses offenders in a structured setting, allowing them to leave the premises for work or other approved activities such as drug treatment.
  • Road Crew-Offenders work in supervised crews to clean up roads, parks and other locations in Lane County.


  • Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment-  Group and/or individual treatment to address alcohol and drug addiction. This could include Intensive outpatient and/or aftercare.  
  • Residential Substance Abuse Treatment - More intensive treatment ranging from 30-180 days.   
  • Mental Health Treatment- Includes general counseling and evaluations, along with medication/prescription monitoring.  
  • Anger Management- A program delivered in a group/individual setting that teaches methods to control anger.
  • Domestic Violence Treatment- A program that address violence in interpersonal relationships.  Oregon Law requires a 52-week program completed in both group and individual settings.  
  • Sex Offender Treatment- Group and individual treatment, often in relapse prevention, to assist in providing behavior control to sex offenders.  Treatment is generally long in nature. 
  • Employment- Assist offenders in obtaining employment using personal and community resources.  This is done at the Day Reporting Center where offenders check in up to 3 times a week. 
  • Education- Assist offenders in obtaining Basic Education or GED. 
  • Transition Housing- Group housing primarily for parolees released from prison or temporarily experiencing instability in living arrangements. 
  • Transition Services- Pre-release planning to connect the offender with housing, treatment, employment and other services before release from prison.  This reduces the likelihood of failure.  

Winter Weather -

Some services are affected by winter weather. Offices may be closed or open late. Please call ahead to confirm status.