Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about how Coordinated Entry works, or what happens next?

Check below for an answer, and if you still have questions reach out to [email protected] or call 211.

What is Coordinated Entry?

Coordinated Entry is a process to ensure that all people experiencing homelessness have fair and equal access to housing and assistance by being quickly identified, assessed, referred, and connected to housing programs. In Lane County, our Coordinated Entry system is a community, coordinated response to homelessness that allows households to receive a standard assessment to be added to a Central Wait List for various housing programs.

What is a Front Door Assessment? What is the Centralized Waiting List?

Front Door Assessments consist of a series of questions households are asked regarding things they have experienced while being homeless as well as information regarding any barriers to housing they may face. These assessments are conducted by trained assessors and usually take 45-60 minutes to complete. After a Front Door Assessment is completed, eligible households are placed on the Centralized Waiting List and are prioritized based on the score they received from their Front Door Assessment. It is not a first come first served list. Referrals for the housing programs that receive referrals from Coordinated Entry are sent from the Centralized Waiting List. 

What housing programs could I get referred to if I am placed on the Centralized Waiting List?

Coordinated Entry provides referrals to Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing programs. Rapid Rehousing (RRH) programs assist household with short (1-3 months) or medium (4-24 months) term rental assistance to help them obtain and stabilize in permanent housing as quickly as possible. Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs are designed to serve highly vulnerable households who are homeless and have a disability. These programs combine housing along with ongoing, voluntary supportive services intended to build independent living skills and connect households with community-based supports. PSH programs have no designated length of stay.

What housing programs do not get referrals from Coordinated Entry?

St. Vincent De Paul low income housing complexes, Homes for Good low income housing complexes, Section 8 and Oxford Houses do not receive referrals from Coordinated Entry.

Am I eligible for Coordinated Entry?

All households experiencing a housing crisis in Lane County are eligible to reach out for resources. Only households that meet HUD’s definition of literal homelessness (residing in a place not meant for human habitation, an emergency shelter or fleeing Domestic Violence) are eligible for placement on the Centralized Waiting List and referral to permanent housing.  

If I am placed on the Centralized Waiting List, how long will it take me to get matched to housing?

Since the waiting list is not a first come first served list but rather prioritized by specific situation, it is impossible to determine how long it may take for a household to get referred for housing. Each year, only roughly 20% of household on the Centralized Waiting List get referred for housing. It is therefore very important that you get added to other housing waitlist such as Homes for Good and St Vincent DePaul.

Once I am on the Centralized Waiting List, do I need to update my assessment?

Front Door Assessments remain open for 6 months. At that point you will need to have a new assessment done to maintain your placement on the housing waiting list. If you are unsure of when your 6 months is up you can contact the person who did your assessment, email [email protected] or call 211.

How long will it take me to get matched to housing?

Since the waiting list is not a first come first served list, it is impossible to determine how long it may take for a household to get referred for housing. Each year, only roughly 20% of household on the Centralized Waiting List get referred for housing. It is therefore very important that you get added to other housing waitlist such as Homes for Good and St Vincent DePaul.

I don’t speak English at all, or very well, will I be able to access the system?

All Front Door Assessment sites are asked to have access to translation services for households seeking assessment. If you try to access assessment and are told there are not translation services available, you can email [email protected] or call 211 and be connected with a translator.

If I don’t live in Lane County am I eligible for assistance by Lane County Coordinated Entry?

Households must be residing in Lane County to receive assistance, although 211 operators can provide you information on potential resources you could connect with once you arrive if you are considering relocating.

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