Meet our team

Mo Young

Picture of Mo Young

 Mo Young
 Program Supervisor

Mo is a heart-centered, equity-focused advocate devoted to radically transforming spaces and systems that have historically disenfranchised intentionally marginalized groups.    

In her professional life, Mo works inside of formal systems to transform the nexus of power, uplift, center, and celebrate narratives from folks at the margin. 

In her community work, Mo is often raising funds, sharing knowledge and resources, organizing donation drives, and helping people find ways to support one another within the capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal system that we exist in. 

In her free time, you can find Mo reading, dancing, traveling, finding hats that her cats will tolerate wearing, and spending as much time with her 14-year-old as she is able and allowed to. 

Mo’s “superpower” is connecting.

Olatorera Adeniji

Picture of Olatorera Adeniji

Olatorera Adeniji
Community Health Analyst


My superpower is that I actually give the people around me the gift of mind reading. Just by looking at my face, you will be able to tell EXACTLY what I’m thinking. I’m also a master gardener. 

I’ve been Forest Gumping my way from county to county during various public health emergencies. Born and raised in Eugene, I ended up back in Lane County after attending Portland State University for my undergrad. I always knew that I wanted to help make public health more accessible to folks in my community but I never could have imagined landing in such a special place, with such an amazing team.  

When I'm not being a public health nerd, you can find me in my garden, with my plants, being a toadstool.

Jennifer Webster

Picture of Jennifer Webster

Jennifer Webster 
(aka, JW – pronounced "jay-dub")

I have been with Lane County Public Health since 2012 and was ecstatic to join the Community Partnerships team as an epidemiologist in the spring of 2022. My superpower is being bold! I grew up in New York and my mom was raised in Brooklyn, so I tend to speak my mind – which comes in very handy when speaking truth to power. My path to public health was fairly long and winding, but throughout my career I have always sought to make my community a better place. Sometimes that looked like marches for economic and social justice, sometimes that looked like working on an abortion funding hotline, and, very occasionally, it looked like street performances about the Santa Clara decision. Two common threads throughout have been a commitment to learning about the experiences of people that are not the same as mine and advocating for justice in its many forms. When I am not being a public health nerd, you can find me exploring in the wilderness, reading in the hot-tub, gardening, or playing with my very adorable cats (who are definitely hungry every minute of the day). 

Kristin Yarris

Picture of Kristin Yarris 

Kristin Yarris 


Kristin Yarris has been collaborating as “extra help” with the Community Partnerships Program since April, 2022. Kristin has a background in Community Health Sciences (MPH, UCLA, 2004) and worked from 1994-2001 with community-based organizations in Portland, San Francisco, San Diego, and Mexico City on issues including affordable housing, substance use, harm reduction, and mental health. Since 2021, Kristin has also held a position on the faculty of Global Studies and Global Health at the University of Oregon. Kristin’s “superpower” is being a RYT-200 registered Yoga Instructor (with Yoga Alliance). When Kristin is not nerding out over community health and health inequities, you can find her (regardless the weather) walking her rescue dogs or (in good weather only) riding her bike. 

Photo of the CPP team in the Huerto de la Familla garden

CPP team visits Huerto de la Familia family garden, September 2022.
From left to right: Ola Adeniji, Margarita Park, Jennifer Webster, Kristin Yarris

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