Animal Services

Beware of phone scams! 

Lane County Animal Services would NEVER withhold care from an animal pending payment OR ask you to make payments via Venmo, gift cards or other app-based payment methods. For more information, click here

To Contact Lane County Animal Services call:  541-682-3645 or send us an email.

Mission Statement

To ensure public and animal health, safety, and quality of life within our community; and bringing about and maintaining an environment in which people and animals can live harmoniously.
 Cat and Bunny 

 LCAS doesn't provide services inside incorporated city limits.  For service within Eugene, please call the City of Eugene's Animal Services
at (541) 687-4060 or visit their website

In Springfield please call Springfield Animal Control at (541) 726-3634 or visit their website.
View other cities
Paw Prints

  husky shepherdbear kittenyellow lab
License your dog on-line!
Click on the link in the most popular sites box listed below.
On-line licensing

Contact Us

3050 N Delta Hwy
Eugene, OR 97408

Phone: 541-682-3645
Fax: 541-682-2009

Office Hours 
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Holiday Closures

Michael Johns

Services We Provide

For an emergency call:  (541) 682-3645 and press 1
For non-emergencies call:  (541) 682-3645 or send us an email. Note: E-mails are public record and subject to public records request per ORS192.410.

Lane County Animal Services provides the following services:

  • Dog at large – officer initiated / in traffic and/or aggressive - (subject to time constraints - officer availability)
  • Abuse / Neglect complaints
  • Dangerous Behavior Class A formal or PR
  • Dangerous Behavior - Fail to comply (all levels)
  • Injured / sick severe (imminent danger of dying)
  • Abandonment – based on circumstances
  • PR (public relation) contacts by phone or in person which may include education, follow-up, and useful tools for resolve
  • Licensing – will be handled by the Officer during the time of contact for services we provide

Due to a reduction in funds and staffing, Lane County Animal Services is unable to provide the following field/code enforcement services:  

  • Dog at large pick-up – not in traffic or aggressive
  • Dog at large formal complaints
  • Barking complaints
  • Confined stray dog/cat pick-up
  • Solid Waste complaints
  • Dangerous Behavior – lower levels (PR contact only)
  • License complaints to give your testimony.

Additional information on LCAS services.


We have contracted with Greenhill Humane Society to provide shelter and adoption services. If you need service regarding lost or found reporting, adoptions, or volunteer & foster, please call Greenhill Humane Society at 541-689-1503.

Information about Greenhill Humane Society

Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinics

There are several low cost veterinary clinics in Lane County which assist homeless and low-income pet owners.  View information on the Community Veterinary Center and Pro-Bone-O (homeless only).

City of Eugene Spay & Neuter Clinic 
3970 West 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-682-3643

Class  Female  Male
 2 - 25 lbs  $148  $138
 26 - 50 lbs  $161  $153
 51 - 75 lbs  $188  $168
 76 - 85 lbs  $203  $181
 All cats  $108  $88

WAG - Willamette Animal Guild
3045 Royal Ave, Eugene OR 97402
Phone: 541-345-3566

Class  Female  Male
 1 - 50 lbs  $103  $103
 50 - 90 lbs  $120  $120
 Over 90 lbs add $3 per lb  add $2 per lb
   $68  $56


Greenhill Humane Society Spay/Neuter Clinic
88530 Green Hill Rd, Eugene OR 97402
Phone: 541-689-1503

For more information, please review GHS website.

Off Leash Dog Parks

Armitage Park
Coburg Road

Alton Baker Park

Between Community Gardens and Research Center

Amazon Park
Near Skateboard Area

Candlelight Park
Candlelight and Royal

Morse Ranch
Crest Drive and Lincoln Street
East Pasture....
    Wooded Area IS NOT Off-Leash!

Howard Buford Recreation Area (Mt. Pisgah)
Dogs must be kept on a leash no longer than 6ft. in length on Trails 1 & 2.  On all other trails dogs must be under the owners voice command (Lane Code 6.540). 

Dog owners are required to abide by park and animal control rules including the following:
  • Dogs must be vaccinated, licensed, and license must be displayed on the dog.
  • Solid waste must be removed immediately (Lane Code 6.585).
  • Female dogs in heat are not allowed.
  • Dogs must be leashed when ENTERING and LEAVING the park.
  • Dogs must be under control at all times.