Health Council member since March 2017
“During my 45 years of practice the wheres and hows of who gets what quality of medical care, and the impact of the sociology of the American System on health, has evolved as much or more than the medical advancements of how we treat diseases. On the whole we have the most expensive medical system in the developed world AND the least effective. The inequity and disparity of who benefitted from the advances of modern medicine was simply too much for me to ignore. After my “first” retirement from private practice I continued to work on a part time basis for the Community Health Centers of Lane County for 8 years. When I felt full retirement was in order, continuing to serve as a CHC Health Council member to ensure and expand access to medical care for all was the logical alternative.
I grew up in Seattle, attended college and medical school in Boston, but quickly returned to the northwest to raise a family. I am known almost as much for my hobbies, fishing, writing, and photography as I am for my medical work, which included being medical director of the Sacred Heart Adolescent Recovery Program (SHARP), an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment program for adolescents for 13 years.”