Chapter 1 General Administration Section

1 - Issuance and Revision Instructions for Administrative Procedures (Issue 4) 
2 - Process for Submitting Agenda Items for Consideration at Board of County Commissioners' Meetings (Issue 13)
 2a - Agenda Process for Approval of a Grant Application or Acceptance (Issue 2)
 2b - Process for Approval of Park SDC Fund Capital Improvement Plan Priorities List (Issue 1)
 3 - Parking (Issue 8)
 3 - Parking (Issue 8) - REDLINE
 4 - Space Allocation and Modification Procedure (Issue 4)
 6 - Smoking Policy for County-Owned and Leased Buildings (Issue 3)
 6 - Smoking Policy for County-Owned and Leased Buildings (Issue 3) - REDLINE
 7 - Reporting and Obtaining Replacement for Stolen County Property (Issue 3)
 8 - Use of an Employee's Office or Position (Issue 4)
 10 - Advisory Committees (Issue 7)
 10 - Advisory Committees (Issue 7) - REDLINE
 15 - Appeal of Administrative Procedures (Issue 5)
 17 - Public Use of County Facilities (Issue 17)
 17 - Public Use of County Facilities (Issue 17) - REDLINE
 18 - County Telephone System (Issue 1)
 21 - Employee/Volunteer Driving (Issue 5)
 21 - Employee/Volunteer Driving (Issue 5) - REDLINE
 22 - Use of County Computer and Communication Resources (Issue 8)
 22 - Use of County Computer and Communication Resources (Issue 8) - REDLINE
 22 - Use of County Computer and Communication Resources (FAQ's)
 23 - Naming of Public Facilities (Issue 2)
 23 - Naming of Public Facilities (Issue 2) - REDLINE
 24 - Official District Attorney Identification Cards (Issue 1)
 25 - Use of Space Heaters (Issue 2)
 25 - Use of Space Heaters (Issue 2) - REDLINE
 26 - Removable Media Acceptable Use Policy (Issue 1)
 27 - Social Media Use (issue 1)