Chapter 3 - Personnel Administration Section

1 - Drug-Free Workplace Procedure (Issue 3)
 1 - Drug-Free Workplace Procedure (Issue 3) REDLINE
 2 - Workplace Violence (Issue 1)
 3 - Employee on the Job Injury or Occupational Illness (Issue 7)
 3 - Employee on the Job Injury or Occupational Illness (Issue 7 REDLINE)
 4 - Procedure for Increasing or Reducing FTE or Adding and Deleting Positions Outside of the Annual Budget Process (Issue 3)
 5 - Personnel Records (Issue 4)
 5 - Personnel Records (Issue 4) - REDLINE
 6 - Employee Recognition Program (Issue 4)
 7 - Employee Assistance Program (Issue 3)
 7 - Employee Assistance Program (Issue 3 REDLIINE)
 8 - Animals in the Workplace (Issue 3)
 9 - Safety Program (Issue 1)
 9 - Safety Program (Issue 1) REDLINE
 10 - Lane County Communication Resources Policy (Issue 2)
 10 - Lane County Communication Resources Policy (Issue 2)-REDLINE
 11 - Electronic Health Records Incentives: Reassigning Provider Payments (Issue 1)
 12 - Recruitment, Testing, and Referral (Issue 13)
 12 - Recruitment, Testing, and Referral (Issue 13) - REDLINE
 14 - Appointments (Issue 12)
 14 - Appointments (Issue 12 REDLINE)
 15 - Appointments: Unclassified Service (Issue 6)
 16 - Promotions, Reassignments/Transfers, Compensation Plan Changes, Bilingual Compensation, Voluntary Demotions, and Equity Adjustments (Issue 12)
 16 - Promotions, Reassignments/Transfers, Compensation Plan Changes, Bilingual Compensation, Voluntary Demotions, and Equity Adjustments (Issue 12) - REDLINE
 18 - Probation (Issue 5)
 18 - Probation (Issue 5) - REDLINE
 20 - 20 - Procedure for Requesting Classification Review of Existing Position(s) (Issue 12)
 20 - Procedure for Requesting Classification Review of Existing Position(s) (Issue 12) - REDLINE
 22 - Collateral (Outside) Employment (Issue 7)
 22 - Collateral (Outside) Employment (Issue 7) - REDLINE
 24 - Job Sharing (Issue 3)
 34 - Time Management and Holidays (Issue 8)
 34 - Time Management and Holidays (Issue8) - REDLINE
 35 - Paid and Unpaid Leaves (Issue 9)
 35 - Paid and Unpaid Leaves (Issue 9) - REDLINE
 40 - Employee Furlough (Issue 4)
 41 - Voluntary Furlough Program (Issue 3)
 42 - Hours Worked, Overtime, and Compensatory Time (Issue 10)
 42 - Hours Worked, Overtime, and Compensatory Time (Issue 10 REDLINE)
 44 - Working-out-of-Class/Temporary Assignment/Career Development Request (Issue 6)
 48 - Performance Evaluations/Merit Increases (Issue 8)
 49 - Conspicuous Achievement Support Honorarium (CASH) Program (Issue 2)
 51 - Requirements for County Drivers, including those who have had their driving privilege suspended or restricted (Issue 7)
 51 - Requirements for County Drivers, including those who have had their driving privilege suspended or restricted (Issue 7) - REDLINE
 52 - Corrective Action (Issue 8)
 52 - Corrective Action (Issue 8) - REDLINE
 53 - Harassment, Discrimination, Mobbing, and Retaliation (Issue 10)
 53 - Harassment, Discrimination, Mobbing, and Retaliation (Issue 10) - REDLINE
 54 - Layoff and Recall Procedure (Issue 17)
 56 - Employee Separation Process (Issue 6)
 56 - Employee Separation Process (Issue 6) - REDLINE
 60 - Appeals Procedure (Issue 6)
 62 - Attendance (Issue 1)
 63 - Provisions for Lactation During Working Hours (Issue 3)
 63 - Provisions for Lactation During Working Hours (Issue 3) - REDLINE
 64 - Volunteer Injury Protection Plan (Issue 1)
 65 - Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Training Program (Issue 3)
 65 - Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Training Program (Issue 3) - REDLINE
 66 - Emergency Notifications to Employees (Issue 1)
 67 - Infants at Work Program (Issue 1)
 68 - Teleworking (Issue 2)
 68 - Teleworking (Issue 2) - REDLINE
 69 - Ongoing Response To Novel Corona Virus / COVID-19 (Issue 20)
 69 - Ongoing Response To Novel Corona Virus / COVID-19 (Issue 20) - REDLINE
 70 - Temporary Procedure - Emergency Leave-Response to Wildland Fire and Severe Weather Events (Issue 4)
 70 - Temporary Procedure - Emergency Leave-Response to Wildland Fire and Severe Weather Events (Issue 4) - REDLINE
 71 - Employee Vaccination Requirement (Issue 2)
 71 - Employee Vaccination Requirement (Issue 2) - REDLINE
 72 - Distribution or Administration of Naloxone by County Employees (Issue 1)