Committees & Coalitions

Committees and coalitions play a critical role in emergency management by ensuring a fair and balanced process for preparedness and mitigation activities among member organizations.  .

Community Organizations Active in Disaster
The mission of Lane County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) is to bring together a broad array of community organizations to foster an effective response to the people of Lane County in times of disaster. The Lane County COAD strives to include organizations within their membership that provide emergency support as part of their mission. The COAD’s working relationships are achieved through the promotion of cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration of member organizations.  

Lane Regional Resilience Collaborative
The Lane Regional Resiliency Collaborative (LRRC) is a regional cross-agency/cross-jurisdictional collaborative that is focused on pre-event hazard mitigation and risk reduction, and identifying opportunities for joint efforts. Though the focus of our work is on pre-event mitigation and risk reduction, we recognize that by working collaboratively on resilience prior to events we will strengthen relationships and set in motion efforts that will make response and recovery more efficient.

Lane Preparedness Coalition
The Lane Preparedness Coalition (LPC) aims to enhance COAD members’ ability to receive training and educate communities about how to mitigate, respond to, continue critical operations during, and recover from crisis and disaster events.

Eugene Neighborhood Association Program
Eugene has twenty-three (23) formally recognized neighborhood associations. Active neighborhood associations provide everyone an opportunity to have a voice in decisions that affect the livability of their neighborhood and community. Neighborhood associations engage in a wide variety of activities including disaster preparedness.