Personal preparedness involves anticipating and preparing for natural and human-caused events that could affect you, your family, and your community. It means having your own food, water, and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. A disaster supplies kit is essential for surviving on your own after an emergency. Preparedness requires planning based on thinking about the risks you face and the needs of your household. The internet has many resources for getting prepared-- here are a few key sites to get you started.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The website sponsored by FEMA at has something for everyone and provides resource guidance in both English and Spanish.
Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
The OEM Hazards and Preparedness page offers a number of resources including preparedness tips for individuals, businesses, communities, and the new Be 2 Weeks Ready program toolkit.
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
The CDC has a number of great resources related to Emergency Preparedness and Response
American Red Cross (ARC)
The ARC is a longstanding partner in emergency preparedness-- check out their resources here How to Prepare For Emergencies | Be Red Cross Ready | Red Cross