Forensic Intensive Treatment Team

Main Clinic Location
2411 Martin Luther  King Jr. Blvd Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 682-3276

Office Hours

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Except holidays)

Jeremy Jalabert, LCSW

Clinical Supervisor


FITT works with individuals who have a behavioral health disorder and are booked into a jail an average of four or more times in the previous year. FITT also supports clients who are high-utilizers of criminal justice resources, hospitals, urgent care resources, or institutional placements. FITT aims to transition clients to long-term services in the community. 

FITT provides wraparound clinical services, case management, peer support, prescribing, resource referral, court advocacy, mental health counseling, groups, skills building, medical care linkage, and addictions treatment. FITT provides the majority of their services via outreach into the community.

FITT has the goal of reducing client involvement with the criminal justice system and the frequency with which they rely on emergency medical services, including institutional healthcare placements, by increasing the availability of community-based supports and services.


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