Case Management

Case Management (Service Coordination) is a service that includes information, assessment, coordination, planning and documentation. For individuals enrolled with Lane County Development Disabilities Services having a Case Manager (Services Coordinator) means having a single point of contact for questions and support. Service Coordinators may provide different supports based on your age, and your choice of available services. Lane County DD Services are Self-Directed and Person-Centered. Your Service Coordinator is a resource to you.

Children's Case Management (Services Coordination)

For individuals aged 17 and under there are a variety of services that may be available. The first responsibility of a Case Manager (known as a Services Coordinator) is to educate you about those options, in order to support your choice – we call this choice counseling. One option is Case Management only. There are no funded supports with Case Management only, you will have a Services Coordinator who will answer questions, and provide information about resources available in the community.

Funded supports that also include Case Management include in-home support, and residential supports.

In-Home supports are formally called “Community First Choice State Plan (K-Plan)”. This typically involves hiring Personal Support Workers (PSW’s) who are paid through Medicaid. There are other types of supports, some examples include behavior consultation, specialized medical equipment and more. Your Services Coordinator will provide more detailed information about available services and how to access them.

Residential supports include foster homes and residential group homes. These tend to be limited by availability and support individuals with more significant needs.

Adult Case Managment (Services Coordination)

For individuals aged 18 and over there are a variety of services that may be available. The first responsibility of a Case Manager (known as a Services Coordinator) is to educate you about those options, in order to support your choice – we call this choice counseling. One option is Case Management only. There are no funded supports with Case Management only, you will have a Services Coordinator who will answer questions, and provide information about resources available in the community.


In-Home supports are formally called “Community First Choice State Plan (K-Plan)”. This typically involves hiring Personal Support Workers (PSW’s) who are paid through Medicaid. There are other types of supports, some examples include behavior consultation, specialized medical equipment and more. Your Services Coordinator will provide more detailed information about available services and how to access them.


Residential supports include foster homes and residential group homes. These tend to be limited by availability and support individuals with more significant needs. These are also called comprehensive services (as in all supports are provided by the residential provider). There is one additional comprehensive service called supported living. While it looks a lot like in home supports, these supports are overseen by an agency. Again, your services coordinator will provide more detailed information about these services.

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