Lane County Public Shelter Feasibility Study And system analysis

Recent Events: 
 Monday May 13, 2019.
The Lane County Board of Commissioners and Eugene City Council discussed implementation of the homeless service system improvements recommended by TAC. Watch the meeting online. Joint Elected Official Meeting May 13 2019

TAC Recommendations
In March 2018, Lane County hired Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) out of Boston, Mass., to conduct a Public Shelter Feasibility Study and Homeless Service System analysis for Lane County. The intent of TAC’s work is to provide information about our system-wide needs and gaps as well as recommendations about actions and investments that will help fill those gaps and make our system more effective at providing pathways out of homelessness for people in our community.

Final Public Shelter Feasibility Study report

Public Shelter Feasibility Study Timeline  

Revised TAC Timeline

TAC's First Visit (April 2018)

During TAC's first visit to Lane County (April 2018) they presented at the Poverty and Homelessness Board meeting, toured local homeless service providers, and interviewed stakeholders including: 

  • Community Advocates including CALC, rest stop program operators, and community organizers
  • People with lived experience of homelessness in our community
  • Eugene Mission staff (and tour)
  • Catholic Community Services
  • Laurel Hill Center
  • ShelterCare
  • St. Vincent de Paul
  • Lane County staff
  • City of Eugene staff
  • Nightingale
  • Healthcare representatives
  • Parks and Recreation staff
  • Law enforcement

Follow up interviews were conducted over the phone with representatives from:

  • White Bird
  • Elected Officials
  • Local government staff
  • Coordinated Entry staff

Preliminary Findings

During TAC's first visit, they spoke with many community members and stakeholders involved in addressing homelessness in Lane County.

Their preliminary impressions include the following: 

  • Lane County has a high unsheltered count for a geographic area with our population size. According to 2016 Point in Time Count data, Lane County has the second highest unsheltered count among similar-sized Continuums of Care in the nation. 
  • Lane County has a remarkable level of community engagement in the issue of homelessness. This is a unique asset. 

TAC's second visit (October 10)

TAC consultants Gina Schaak, Elizabeth Stewart, and Doug Tetrault returned to Lane County October 10 to present the Lane County Homeless Service System Map and preliminary recommendations.

There were two public meetings where community members could learn about TAC's preliminary findings (final report December 2018).

Joint Meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners and Eugene City Council
Date: October 10, 2018
Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Harris Hall, 125 E. 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
Watch the presentation here. Click on "Local Meeting Coverage" and navigate to the meeting of October 10, 2018.

Live Healthy Lane Presents: Understanding the Homeless Service System in Lane County
Date: October 10, 2018
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Lane Community College Downtown Campus, 101 W 10th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401. Rooms 112-114  

Technical Assistance Collaborative's System Analysis Proposal

TAC Shelter Feasibility Study Proposal

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