
Wraparound is an intensive team-based planning process that follows a series of steps to help children, young adults, and their families accomplish their family vision. This individualized care planning process is a shared commitment amongst professionals, youth, families, and natural supports to the 10 principles of Wraparound to drive the process.

Download the handbook for families: Wraparound Best Practice Guidelines

Getting Help for a Child

All children experience difficulties as part of normal development. But when a child has needs that put them at risk for losing their home, school placement or connection to the community, it might be time for some extra help.


Wraparound works with children and youth experiencing serious mental health or behavioral challenges. A child might need Wraparound if they are at risk for needing a higher level of mental health care than outpatient services.

How Wraparound Works 

Wraparound is a collaborative process that brings together youth, family members, friends, teachers and service providers to create an individualized plan for addressing your child’s needs.


You'll meet at least monthly as a team to engage in an intensive planning process.


Our team-based model is family-driven and youth-guided. It works by building on family strengths, collaborating with community resources and incorporating shared decision-making. Each approach is individualized and informed by the family's culture.

Who is Eligible for Wraparound?
  • Medicaid Eligible
  • Minimum eligibility is for a youth to be actively involved in 2 or more of the following systems: (Mental Health, Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, Developmental Disabilities, Medical, Mental Health needs affecting academic, social and emotional developmental progress or have an IEP/504)
  • 0-17 years of age at time of enrollment to Wraparound
  • Identified family/guardian and youth are willing to engage in the Wraparound Process
  • Wraparound is a voluntary process and not a mandatory service
  • Care Coordination needs cannot be met by other system partners

Wraparound Referral Form

Referral Form- English  

Referral Form - Spanish 

Wraparound Review Committee
The Wraparound Review Committee (WRC) utilizes the System of Care Values and Wraparound Principles to review submitted Wraparound referrals for eligibility determination. The committee will provide assistance with monitoring the program capacity, analyzing the types and mixes of referrals received, and look for patterns and disparities. The WRC will not be in a position of approving transitions but rather ensuring that as space becomes available new youth are screened and admitted.

The Wraparound Review Committee (WRC) is made up of individuals who represent the various child and adolescent serving systems and priority populations that are served in Wraparound: Care Coordinated Organizations (TCHP or PSCS-Lane), Direction Service, Youth Era, and Oregon Family Support Network.

The WRC meets monthly or as needed to review submitted Wraparound referrals.

The referring party will be responsible to complete the Wraparound Referral Packet, and submit to the Wraparound Review Committee. Any community member, system partner, or youth and family members can complete and submit a referral to the committee. In order to be eligible for acceptance into Wraparound, a youth must be Medicaid/OHP Insured and enrolled with a Care Coordinated Organization (TCHP or PSCS-Lane), involved with two or more youth serving systems, at risk for higher levels of care, and under the age of 18 as defined by Oregon Health Authority.

Fidelity Wraparound services are available to youth with the highest level of need, multi-system involvement, elevating risk and/or complex needs for family/members who are interested in the intensive, fidelity based planning process. Wraparound occurs in four phases with structured meeting facilitation components at monthly team-based meetings for up to 18 months on average. Each youth and family team work on their individual plan and timeframe.

Introduction to Wraparound (YouTube Video 15 minutes)

Oregon Wraparound: https://oregonwraparound.org/
National Wraparound Initiative (NWI):
Youth Era - Wraparound:

Resources mentioned in this video (click to download):
Phases and Activities of the Wraparound Process
How Family Partners Contribute to the Phases and Activities of the Wraparound Process

The Youth Partner's Role in the Wraparound Process

Wraparound Team Meeting Agenda

Tool Time - Wraparound Fidelity and Quality Wraparound

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