Welcome to the Lane County Community Resilience Toolkits!
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The toolkits provide a variety of resources designed to aid community healing. These tools will enhance resilience and promote recovery from stress. The Toolkits are interactive, addresses specific populations and topics, and include materials to meet the needs of people and organizations during this challenging time.
Some important considerations:
• Every person is an individual and will have their own reactions to world events.
• People in poverty are often most strongly affected by difficult events due to fewer available resources.
• Rural communities have different needs and responses than urban communities.
• Underrepresented populations may be more severely impacted by economic stress due to systemic disparities, racism and oppression.
Click here to access the Behavioral Health and Crisis Community Resource Directory: Please read the top of this spreadsheet for information and note that this list is updated as information is received about program changes. In this directory you will find Lane County community resources by special focus or theme.
If you have any questions about the toolkit contact Email Lucy Zammarelli
This toolkit launched September 1, 2020
Toolkits Last updated: 3/2025