Lane County Public Health Releases Suicide Report

Lane County Public Health Releases Suicide Report
Posted on 09/19/2018
Lane County Public Health (LCPH) has released its first comprehensive suicide report. The report, “Suicide in Lane County 2000-2016: Trends, Risk Factors and Recommendations” details the circumstances of deaths by suicide to provide insight and recommendations for all Lane County residents on what they can do in their personal and professional lives to help prevent suicide in the community.
“Effective suicide prevention requires the involvement of the entire community,” said Lane County Public Health Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Promotion Coordinator, Roger Brubaker. “This report serves the first critical step in making a difference: awareness.”

Suicide is a serious public health issue. In Lane County the rate of suicide is 50% greater than the national average. 1,079 Lane County residents died by suicide between the years 2000 and 2016.

Here are a few important findings on suicide in Lane County:
  • 1 in 4 deaths by suicide was a veteran.
  • Over 60% of men who died by suicide never sought mental health treatment before taking their life
  • Over 50% of deaths by suicide involved a firearm
  • 90% of deaths occurred among people 25 years and older
  • 1 out of 3 people who died by suicide had a substance use problem
LCPH offers training opportunities for people in the community to provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to identify people at risk and connect them with life-saving resources. LCPH urges the community to reduce the stigma around suicide by talking about it. It is safe to discuss suicide and doing so can provide those at risk and those bereaved by suicide with a sense of relief. Let them know that help is available and it’s okay to ask for support. If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, please call: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

To view the report in its entirety, please visit Public Health Reports and Data

LCPH offers help and hope through its suicide prevention program. Resources for training, facts, warning signs, how to help, and more are provided.
You can find more information about the Lane County Suicide Prevention Program here

Lane County Public Health is a division of Lane County Health & Human Services whose mission is to promote and protect the health and well-being of all people of Lane County. 

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