Dillard Access road

Lane County Public Works has taken steps to alleviate the problem of commercial trucks illegally travelling on Dillard Access Road to access Short Mountain Landfill.  Steps taken to this point include “no-truck access” signage, speed feedback signs, notifications to landfill users, and Weighmaster enforcement. Despite these measures, we continue to receive reports that commercial trucks are driving on Dillard Access Road.  There is currently a request from a resident to install a barricade and close the road.

We are interested in hearing from residents about the proposal to close the road.
Please complete this short questionnaireYour responses will be used to help develop road safety solutions for Dillard Access Road.  Responses to the questionnaire and potential solutions will be discussed at:

A remote meeting on October 28, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m.
Please join us then by:

computer: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/338546349 or

phone: (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 338-546-349


For more information contact:  Steve Gallup, Lane County Traffic Engineer by phone at 541-682-6931 or by email at [email protected]



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