Community Wildfire Grants

CWRR Program Overview
Lane County received wildfire hazard mitigation funding from the Oregon State Fire Marshal to assist vulnerable residents in Lane County with improving defensible space. Funds were allocated by Senate Bill 762 to help Oregon become a more fire-adapted state. This funding benefits community wildfire risk by assisting vulnerable populations with hazard mitigation services. 

Contractor Outreach
We are seeking licensed contractors and landscapers who may be interested in participating in this program, so that we can create a short-list to provide to grant recipients. This list will not imply County preference to any one business over another.  Grant recipients are welcome to select any licensed contractor or landscaper, and this list is intended to help those who find it useful in making their selection. If you are interested in learning more, please email us at [email protected] or call 541-682-6702.

This program was created with one-time funds and is not accepting new applications. To learn more about other wildfire hazard mitigation programs, please visit

Licensed Contractors

CWRR Contractors List.pdf

The list above provides the contact information for licensed contractors who have expressed interest in the Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant. These vendors are by no means a comprehensive list of all contractors providing Defensible Space services within Lane County. Grant recipients are welcome to choose any CCB/LCB-holding contractor to complete defensible space clearing. Lane County does not endorse nor show preference to any business or individual on this list; Licensed Contractors are displayed in alphabetical order. If you would like to recommend a business to this list, please email [email protected] or call 541-682-6702.

To search licensing, please click on the links below.

Check the status of a CCB License.

Check the status of a LCB License.

What is the scope of the grant?

The grants will provide up to $4,000 per selected property to help create 50 feet of defensible space around homes by removing or pruning vegetation. 

Selected property owners won’t be responsible for any costs, and grant recipients can work together with Lane County staff to hire licensed contractors to complete the work.

How does this grant program prioritize funding?

Preference will be given to people who are elderly, low-income, disabled or otherwise vulnerable and who live in an area at risk of wildfire. If you have received Firewise reimbursement in the past, your application may not be as competitive as others who have never received Firewise funding. 

When will the work happen?

Work will begin in spring and summer of 2024. 

The grants must be complete by the end of 2025 and the goal is to move as quickly as the work allows.

What other grant programs are available?

You may visit the Lane County Firewise Grant Incentive Program webpage to learn about other wildfire hazard mitigation grant programs in rural Lane County. 


Contact us at:
[email protected]