
The information on this webpage was reviewed and updated on March 26, 2025. 
Esta página estará disponible en español la próxima semana. 

Lane County Public Health
is closely monitoring measles outbreaks nationwide and wants you to know that protection is available. The MMR vaccine is safe, effective, and long-lasting—protecting against measles, mumps, and rubella.

Most people get the MMR vaccine as kids, but some adults may need an additional dose—especially those born after 1957 who were vaccinated before 1968.

If you don’t have vaccine records or aren’t sure what type you got, getting an MMR vaccine is the best way to stay protected.

Key Facts for Older Adults: key

  • If you don’t have records, you should get an MMR vaccine. 
  • If vaccinated in the 60s, you may need an additional dose. 
  • Medicare Part D covers the vaccine if you’ve never had it or lack records.

Where to Get Your MMR Vaccine: Vaccine Vial

  • Your primary care provider, local pharmacy, or vaccine clinic can help! 
  • For more information, go to:

Downloadable/Printable Materials: Printer

  • Measles Educational One-Pager: ENG | SPA
  • Waiting Room/Classroom Poster: ENG
  • Measles Precautions for Schools Identifying and Preventing Spread ENG