All Board Orders and Ordinances below have been PASSED by the Board of Commissioners unless otherwise indicated by (PULLED) or (FAILED).

2018 Full Year

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ORDER 18-12-18-01
/ In the Matter of Accepting the Lane County, Oregon Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June30, 2018, and Ordering it to be Filed with the Secretary of State.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-02/ In the Matter of Appointing a Board Member to the Association of Oregon and California Land Grant Counties for 2019 as a Result of Newly Adopted Association By-Laws. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Laurel Hill Center for Supportive Outreach Services for Single Homeless Adults. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-06/ In the Matter of Appointing One Returning Member to the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-07/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Award a Contract for Police Vehicle Outfitting Services, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing an Access Easement Over County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-03-31-11-01400, 540 Oak St., Eugene, for the Benefit of MD Commons, LLC. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-09/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a 99-year lease agreement with MD Commons, LLC for County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-03-31-11-02100, Parking Lot on NW Corner of 6th  and Oak St. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-10/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $150,000 to Peter Kryl, Map No. 17-03-36-32-03100, 1436 Main St., Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-11/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $17,350 to the Estate of Ronald L. Richardson, Map No. 17-02-31-13-06800, 305 38 St., Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-12/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Complete the Purchase of the Former Eugene City Hall Lot from the City of Eugene and Sell the Butterfly Lot to the City of Eugene and the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-13/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 5 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to Monetary Penalties Related to Gatherings (LM 5.020). (ROLLED TO 1/29/18)


ORDER 18-12-18-14/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and the Federation of Oregon Parole and Probation Officers, Parole and Probation Unit. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-15/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Ground Lease Agreements with Market District LLC for County Owned Real Property along 6th Ave in Downtown Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE PA 1364/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) To Adopt the Lane County Parks & Open Space Master Plan, Adopt the Howard Buford Recreational Area (HBRA) Habitat Management Plan, and Adopt the 1994 HBRA Master Plan That Was Previously Adopted as Part of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) that has Since Been Amended to No Longer Include HBRA, as Special Purpose Plans of the RCP; And Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 8-11/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 3 to Update Small and Large Gathering License Requirements. (LC 3.995). (ROLLED TO 1/29/19)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-12/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400 to Add a Reference to Plan Components Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1364 and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (Department File No. 509-PA18-05762). (PASSED)

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ORDER & RESOLUTION 18-12-11-01/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #2, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-11-02/ In the Matter of Appointing an At-Large Member to the Lane County Planning Commission. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035). (ROLLED TO 1/15/19)

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ORDER 18-12-04-01
/  In the Matter of Increasing the Sole Source Determination Amount for Selection of St. Vincent De Paul of Lane County to Provide Winter Warming Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract in the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-02/ In the Matter of Approving Receipt of a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services (SUD-MH) Grant in the Amount of $346,500. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-03/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign All Documents and Agreements Related to the Housing First Project IGA Approved in Board Order 18-07-10-06. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Lane County Sheriff to Extend for Three Years an Existing Five Year Lease with Vertical Bridge Holdings for a Radio Site on Wolf Mountain.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-05/ In The Matter of Accepting Motorola Proposal “IP Simulcast. G-Series Upgrade, ASR Sites and Subscriber Add-On” In The Amount of $3,639,984 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator To Sign The Purchase Order And Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-06/ In the Matter of a Loan Forgiveness Request from Orchid Health Collective LLC in the Amount of $19,600 and to Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-12-04-07/ In the Matter of Revising the 2017-2019 Community Corrections Grant-in-Aid and Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budgets and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Criminal Justice Planner to Sign and Submit JRGP Revision Forms Online and to Complete and Submit the Community Corrections Biennial Plan Modifications Form, and to the County Administrator to Amend Intergovernmental Agreements and Contracts.  (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO PA 1364/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) To Adopt the Lane County Parks & Open Space Master Plan, Adopt the Howard Buford Recreational Area (HBRA) Habitat Management Plan, and Adopt the 1994 HBRA Master Plan That Was Previously Adopted as Part of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) That Has since Been Amended to No Longer Include HBRA, as Special Purpose Plans of the RCP; And Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause;


ORDINANCE NO. 18-12/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400 to Add a Reference to Plan Components Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1364 and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (Department File No. 509-PA18-05762). (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)


ORDINANCE NO 18-11/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 3 to Update Small and Large Gathering License Requirements (LC 3.995) (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)

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ORDER 18-11-27-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Remove the Farm Review Board (LM 3.520). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-02
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to the Membership of the Public Safety Coordinating Council. (LM 3.540). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-03
/ In the Matter of Releasing, Dedicating, and Accepting Lot “A” of the Plat of Reta Franklin Addition, as Right of Way for Horace Street, a Public Road (18-02-05-23). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-04
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Add and Update Fees to Implement Lane Code Chapter 14 Amendments Effected with Ordinance 18-02. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $13,000 to Pamela D. Tallmadge and Rachel H. Tallmadge, Former Owners of Record, Map No. 18-03-06-22-11100, 856 W. 20th Ave., Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-06/ In the Matter of Accepting a Grant in the Amount of $550,000 Awarded by Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for the Lane County Veterans Treatment Court Mentoring and Domestic Violence Intervention Enhancement Grant and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Subcontracts for the Grant.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $500,000 to Wright Lumber Inc. Pursuant to a Lease/Purchase Option Agreement Map No. 19-01-08-00-03800, 38534 Dexter Road. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035). (ROLLED TO 12/11/18)

ORDINANCE 18-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6 to Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area Into Alignment and Declaring an Emergency. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)


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​ORDER 18-11-13-01/
In the Matter of Settling the U.S. District Court Case of Angelo Fricano v. Lane County. (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-11-06-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing Karen Gaffney to the Mental Health Director Position and Jocelyn Warren to the Health Director Position as Ex-Officio Members of the Lane County Public Safety Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-02/ In the Matter of Approving Allocations Totaling $33,886 for 2019 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the McKenzie River and Authorizing Distribution of Funds. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-03/ In the Matter of Appointing Timothy Morris to the Lane County Budget Committee to fill an Unexpired Term for District 3 (South Eugene). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-04/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Juvenile Justice Specialist Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-05/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-06/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract for Design Services Related to Replacement of the Lane County Public Service Building and Harris Hall Roofing System. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with City of Springfield and Umpqua Dairy Products Co. / Rush Creek Holdings, LLC to Approve a Three Year Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption and to Extend the Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption an Additional Two Years for a Total of Five Years for an Investment at a New Facility in Springfield, OR. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-06-08
/ In the Matter of Designating a Voting Delegate for the Board of Directors Election, Position #5, at the Council of Forest Trust Land Counties. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)


ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to June 30, 2020; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6. In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6. To Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area Into Alignment and Declaring an Emergency.
(ROLLED TO 11/27/18)

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ORDER 18-10-30-01
/ In the Matter of Extending the Grant to Travel Lane County for Visitor Marketing Services through June 30, 2021 and Setting the Date for the Next Performance and Program Audit No Earlier than September 30, 2023. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Driving under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) Investigator. (Oregon Department of Transportation). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-03/  In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Feenaughty Machinery Co., in the Amount of $211,500.00, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Kobelco ED160-5 BladeRunner Excavator, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $19,000 to the Gordon-Woods Family Trust, Map No. 18-12-23-31-16400. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-05/ In the Matter of Granting a Utility Easement to the Emerald People’s Utility District Over County Property Identified as Map No. 19-01-08-00-03800. (Dexter Mill Property). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $19,000 to Keith Consiglio, Map No. 17-12-35-23-01200. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-07/ In the Matter of Updating Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature. (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-10-16-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing Eight New Members to the Mental Health Advisory / Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-02/ In the Matter of Accepting US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) Grant Funding via a Subgrant through Oregon Health Authority (OHA) In an Amount up to $3,000,000. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-03
/ In the Matter of Amending the Governance Charter of the Poverty and Homelessness Board and Appointing One New Member. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Catholic Community Services for Housing Stabilization Services for Low Income Families. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-05/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Reconsidered Hearings Official Decision Approving a Preliminary Partition on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 18-01-00-00-01500; (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-06/ In the Matter of Agreeing to the City of Springfield’s Low Income Rental Housing Property Tax Exemption (LIRHPTE) Program. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-07/ In the Matter of Adjusting Approximate Percentage of Distribution between the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Youth Services from 79% Sheriff’s Office, 21% Youth Services to Approximately 84.5% Sheriff’s Office, 15.5% Youth Services of the Five Year Public Safety Local Option Levy and Establishing That Future Percent Adjustments Occur through the Annual Budget Process. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-08/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Elected Officials Consistent with the Market Comparators. (NO VOTE TAKEN, SEE ORDERS 18-10-16-10, 18-10-16-11, and 18-10-16-12)

ORDER 18-10-16-09/ In the Matter of Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for the City of Creswell. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (PM & NBA 07/31/2018, 8/21/2018) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)

ORDER 18-10-16-10/ In the Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Assessor, Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Consistent with the Market Comparators.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-16-11/ In Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salary of Lane County’s District Attorney Consistent with the Market Comparators. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-16-12/ In the Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Board of Commissioners Consistent with the Market Comparators. (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-10-09-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Dan Buckwald, Tom English, and Denis Hijmans as Lay Citizen Members of the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Members to the Public Health Advisory Committee (LM 3.538). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-05/ In the Matter of Allocating $23,275 from Special Revenue Fund 260 in the Department of Public Works as Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust to Address Immediate Facility Needs at the 1st Avenue Shelter. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $3,300 to Nicholas V. Crosby, Map No. 18-10-08-30-01101. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-07/ In the Matter of Accepting Bids Tendered at a Sheriff’s Sale on November 3, 2017 for Surplus County Owned Real Property and Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute the Quitclaim Deeds.  (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to January 1, 2019; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (PM 9/25/18) (ROLLED TO 11/6/18)

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ORDER 18-10-02-01/ In the Matter of Authorizing Payment of $89,667.67 to the Oregon Department of Revenue Senior Tax Deferral Program. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Establish Administrative Procedures Regarding Expenditures and Time Management of the County Administrator, the County Counsel, and the Performance Auditor. (LM 3.015). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-03/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming the Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Forest Template Dwelling on Tax Lot 201, Assessor’s Map 18-02-11. (File No. 509-PA17-05951; Betz/Evans) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Purchase Order for Law Enforcement Services on Bureau of Land Management Lands Located in Lane County and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Purchase Order Base Year and up to Four Subsequent Options. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Quitclaim Deed and Release of the County Owned Forest Work Camp Real Property and Fixtures to Veteran’s Legacy, Map No. 19-07-25-00-00700, 21500 Siuslaw River Road, Veneta, OR 97487 in the Amount of One Dollar ($1). (PASSED)

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ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-09-25-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #1, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Pools of Board Members who may be Selected by the County Clerk to sit on the Board of Property Tax Appeals. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-03/ In the Matter of Increasing the Sole Source Determination Amount for Selection of St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County to provide Winter Warming Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-04/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Goals. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-11-05/ In the Matter of Awarding Title III Projects under P.L. 115-141. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to January 1, 2019; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (ROLLED TO 10/9/18)

ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry) (PM 9/11/18.) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)

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ORDER 18-09-11-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Allocations Totaling $261,055 for 2019 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the Cities of Creswell, Cottage Grove, Coburg, Junction City, Florence, Lowell, Oakridge, and Westfir. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Four Members to the Law Library Advisory Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-03/ In the Matter of Approving a Replacement Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Eugene for Cooperation and Support of the Public Safety Coordinating Council.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Springfield Police Chief Richard Lewis and Confirming Appointments of Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis and Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner to the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Center for Family Development for Intensive Community Care Management (ICCM) Start-up. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-07/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Eugene Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $617,833.50 for Paving Short Mountain LS Road, Prospective Contract No. 18/19-03, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $22,600 Pursuant to a Land Sales Contract to Alanda L. Ashbaugh, 5204 Forsythia Dr., Springfield, Map No. 18-02-04-21-02100. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-09/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $700 to Hayden and Megan Henneman, Map No. 18-05-04-00-01123. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Transfer the Authority and Functions under State Law for Emergency Management for Lane County from the Sheriff and Office of the Sheriff to the County Administrator. (LM 3.044, 3.132) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (ROLLED TO 9/25/2018)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 11/6/2018)

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ORDER 18-08-28-01
/ In the Matter of Directing the Tracking and Reserving of Secure Rural Schools / Timber Revenue in the Road Fund. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-02/ In the Matter of Approving a Telecommunications System Management and Service IGA and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-03/ In the Matter of Accepting the Intergovernmental Agreement for Human Services and Related CDBG Contracts for FY 2019 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts in the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-05/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2023 Lane County Multi Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-06/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the Lane County Prosecuting Attorneys’ Association. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-07/ In the Matter of Dropping One Step and Adding One Step to the Salary Tables to Maintain Market Competiveness for Non-Represented Classifications. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-08/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Amend the Parks Master Plan Contract with MIG, Inc., to Increase the Total Contract Amount to $147,738, Extend the Term to June 30, 2019 and Approve the Use of $25,000 in Special Projects Transient Room Tax Funds. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 9/11/18)

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ORDER 18-08-21-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Bylaw Revisions for the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-03/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor and One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2 in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-04/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor and One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Mental Health Specialist 2 in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $17,500 to Daniel Douffet and Jake Urzua, Map No. 20-03-15-23-00402, 32856 I St., Cottage Grove (Saginaw). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $15,000 to Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually but as Trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, Map No. 18-03-08-42-00301. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Sheriff’s Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property on September 17, 2018 and Delegating Authority to the Property Management Officer to Remove Any Particular Property from the Sale If Determined to Be in the County’s Best Interest.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-08/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Amendments, Contracts, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 10/16/18)


ORDINANCE NO. 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-07-31-01
/ In the Matter of Amending the Intergovernmental Agreement of the Southern Willamette Private Industry Council to Specify Allocation of Liability Among Member Governments and Clarify participating Members. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-02/ In the Matter of Reappointing Two Members to the Community Health Council Committee. (LM 3.515). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-03/ In the Matter of Amending the Job Codes for the Classification of Program Supervisor and Adding Pay Grade C43. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-04/ In the Matter of Approving Supplemental Project Agreement No. 32771 with Oregon Department of Transportation to Provide Planning and Preliminary Engineering for the Howard Elementary & Colin Kelly Middle School Traffic Congestion Mitigation Project and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-05/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation and City of Springfield for the S. 28th Street Dust Mitigation Project, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement and Related Construction Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Decision by the Lane County Hearings Official Affirming In-part and Reversing In-part the Planning Director Approval of a Request for Legal Lot Verifications of Five Lots Pursuant to Lane Code 13.020 on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 20-13-15 Tax Lot 100; 20-03-10, Tax lots 2900, 3000, 3100 and 1504; (File No. 509-PA17-05998/Northwest Mineral Resources, LLC). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-07/ In the Matter of Approving the Purchases of Cerium Corporation Professional Services and Avaya Telephone System Equipment for Replacement of the County’s Telephone System in an Amount Not to Exceed $800,000, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-08/ In the Matter of Establishing New Salary Ranges for Psychiatrist and Child Psychiatrist Classifications. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 8/21/2018)


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ORDER 18-07-24-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing One Member to the Public Health Advisory Committee (LM 3.538). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-02/ In The Matter of Making a Sole Source Determination of the Two Firms Available to Provide Commingled Recycling and Cardboard Processing. (PASSED


ORDER 18-07-24-03/ In the Matter of Awarding Contract 17/18-14 to Central Service Inc., in the Amount of $226,577.33, for Supply and Installation of an Aboveground Fuel Storage Tank and Dispensers  at the Glenwood Central Receiving Station, and Authorizing the Administrator To Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Accept a Grant from the Oregon State Marine Board, Agreement No. 1582, to Install Four Piles in Siltcoos Lake to Anchor the Floating Restroom. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-05/ In the Matter of Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Sections of Springfield-Creswell Highway (Oregon Route 222) From ODOT to Lane County, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-06/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Performance Evaluation. (PASSED)


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ORDER 18-07-10-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to the Law Library Advisory Committee (LM 3.610). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-02/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time Regular (1.0 FTE) Developmental Disability Specialist Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-07-10-03
/ In the Matter of Accepting the Workforce Partnership/Adult Services Revenue Contract and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract in the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Administrative Services Agreement, and Stop Loss Insurance with PacificSource for Plan Year 18-19 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-05/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Intergovernmental with the Oregon State Marine Board in the Amount of $467,752.00.  (PASSED) 


ORDER 18-07-10-06/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Homes for Good for the Housing First Building Site and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to sign the Approved Agreement in the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-07/ In the Matter of Updating Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Update the Hearings Official Decision Appeal Fee (LM 60.851).  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (PM & NBA 02/27/2018, 03/13/2018, 04/10/2018, 05/22/2018, 6/19/18).  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (PM & NBA 06/12/18, 06/26/18).  (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-06-26-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 2 to Update the Provisions Pertaining to Public Records Law to Conform with 2017 Legislative Changes. (LM 2.163). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-03/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County for Short Term Housing for Homeless Families. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $53,000 to Bruce Wiechert Custom  Homes, Inc. Map No. 17-03-33-11-01300, 1777 Brandy Way, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-06/ In the Matter of Approving a Project for the Modernization of the Charnelton Building Elevators, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Related Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-07/ In the Matter of Annexing Territory to the Dexter Sanitary District to Provide Sewer Service to the Annexed Territory; Assessor’s Map 19-01-16-20 Tax Lot 00100. (File No.  S-DE-2018-ANX-1) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 and Chapter 9 of /UL Urban Land Eugene Code to Implement ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause; and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-04265) (PM & NBA 06/12/18) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Implement Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards within the Urbanizing Areas Outside of the Metro Plan Boundary as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05334) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (PM & NBA 06/12/18)  (ROLLED TO 7/10/18)

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ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-06-19-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 17-18 Supplemental Budget #4, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-06-19-02/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2019 Budget, Making Appropriations and Imposing and Categorizing Taxes. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-03/ In the Matter of Revising the Capital Interfund Loan from the Solid Waste Fund to the Information Services Fund by changing the receiving fund from the Information Services Fund to the Technology Replacement Fund. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-04/ In the Matter of Making the Sole Source Determination for Selection of PeaceHealth Medical Group to Provide Prenatal Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Determination and Extend the Contract with the Sole Source Provider.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-05/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Center for Family Development to Provide Behavioral Rehabilitation Services to Youth in the Phoenix Program.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-19-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Gresham Ford of Gresham OR, in the Amount of $157,747.75, for the Purchase of Five (5) Ford Police Sport Utility Vehicles, as per Oregon State Purchasing Agreement, Contract # 5551, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming and Partially Modifying a Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Forest Template Dwelling on Tax Lot 102, Assessor’s Map 19-04-11. (File No. 509-PA17-05775; Kasle) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-08/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands (F-2) Zone Pursuant to Lane Code 16.211(5) & (8) on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 19-06-02-00605. (File No. 509-PA17-05773/Nielsen/Dorsey). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-09/ In the Matter of Endorsing Recommendations Related to the Advancement of Health Equity in Lane County. (PASSED)


 ORDER 18-06-19-10/ In the matter of approving the Lane County Courthouse Funding Agreement with the Oregon Department of Administrative Services and Oregon Judicial Department for Phase I of the Lane County Courthouse Project, and granting authority to the County Administrator to execute documents related to the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-11/ In the Matter of Approving Renewal of Purchased Insurance Policies and Delegating Authority to Execute the Renewal Documents to the Risk Manager. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-19-12/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Changes for the Lane County American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2831- General Unit.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-13/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Changes for the Lane County American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2831- Nurses Unit. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (PM & NBA 02/27/2018, 03/13/2018, 04/10/2018, 05/22/2018)  (ROLLED TO 7/10/18)

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ORDER 18-06-12-01/
In The Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 Revising Refund of Taxes on Real and Personal Property (LM 3.034 And LM3.840).  Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-03/ In the Matter of Appointing One New Member and Reappointing Two Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-04/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the Chair of the Board of Commissioners to Sign a Renewal Application for a Residential Care Facility License at Youth Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-05/ In the Matter Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Certain Health & Human Services Fees. Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision to Modify and Partially Reverse a Planning Director’s Legal Lot Verification Decision for Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 16-02-35-00-00610/1900 and 16-02-25-00-00302 in Combination and 16-02-35-00-01102. (File No. 509-PA17-05996; Podhorsky). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming a Planning Director Revocation of an Approved Measure 49 Exclusive Farm Use Dwelling on Tax Lot 100, Assessor’s Map 17-05-03. (File No. 509-PA17-05309). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-08/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Wildish Construction Co., in the Amount of $159,135 for Paving, Zone 5 Maintenance Shop in Florence Oregon, Prospective Contract No. 17/18-12, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-09/ In the Matter of Filing a List of FY 18/19 Public Improvement Projects for Lane County Department of Public Works with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Related Contracts and Agreements. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-10/ In the Matter of Voluntarily Remanding a County Decision Back to the Lane County Hearings Official for Further Proceedings.  The Appealed Decision on Remand from the Land Use Board of Appeals Concerns a County Decision that Affirmed the Lane County Hearings Official’s Denial for a Preliminary Partition under Board Order 18-02-27-06; Assessor’s Map 18-01-00-00-01500. (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-11/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for 2018 Surface Transportation Program Fund Exchange in the Amount of $929,716.40 for the North Coburg Road Paving Project, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-12/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to OBEC Consulting Engineers in the Amount of $257,631.10, for Bridge Street Bridge #39C111 Deck Replacement & Truss Painting Design and to Delegate Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract and Related Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-13/ In the Matter of Revising the Bylaws of the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-14/ In the Matter of Revising the 2017-2019 Grant-in-Aid and Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budgets and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Criminal Justice Planner to Sign and Submit JRGP Revision Forms Online and to Complete and Submit the Community Corrections Biennial Plan Modification Form, and to the County Administrator to Amend Intergovernmental Agreements and Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-15/ In the Matter of Approving the Vacation of Certain Alleys Located Adjacent to Lane County-Owned Properties Identified as Assessor's Map and Taxlot Numbers 17-03-31-11 2800 and 3200, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Documents Related to the Vacation. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 and Chapter 9 of /UL Urban Land Eugene Code to Implement ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause; and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-04265) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)


ORDINANCE 18-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Implement Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards within the Urbanizing Areas Outside of the Metro Plan Boundary as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05334) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-06-05-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of Comments and Input to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Consideration in Conjunction with Proposed Rulemaking regarding the Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes, Flavored Tobacco Products and Regulation of Premium Cigars. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-02/ In the Matter of a Refund to Macy’s in the Amount of $34,248.02. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 2 to Update the Provisions Pertaining to Public Records Law to Conform with 2017 Legislative Changes (LM 2.160 – 2.170). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-04/ In the Matter of Accepting Funding in the Amount of $200,000 from Trillium Community Health Plan for Expansion of FUSE Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-05/ In the Matter of Approving Receipt of a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Grant in the Amount of $3,461,909.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-06
/ In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Ashley Adelman to the Parks Advisory Committee. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (ROLLED TO 8/21/18)

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ORDER 18-05-22-01
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Multi-Year Contract for Independent Audit Services to Moss Adams LLP, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-02/ In the Matter of Establishing the Facilities Electrician Classification and Salary Range. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-03/ I In the Matter of Approving Certain Contract Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $2,000 to Baker Investments Inc., Map No. 17-03-22-20 Tax Lots 02401 and 02407. (PASSED)


ORDER AND RESOLUTION 18-05-22-05/ In the Matter of Recognizing Matthew Jackson and Chris Young’s Outstanding Service to the Community. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-06/ In the Matter of Surrender of a Portion of Coast Guard Station Road (County Road Number 65) and a Portion of S. Harbor Vista Drive (County Road Number 1301) to the City of Florence (18-12-10 & 15). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-07/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of the Lane Manual (LM 60.875) to Adjust Existing Waste Management Fees Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-22-08/ In the Matter of Approving a 5-Year Renewable Lease with Weyerhaeuser Company for the Sheriff’s Office Radio Tower Site on Harness Mountain and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Lease. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/  In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492). (ROLLED TO 6/19/18)


ORDINANCE 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (ROLLED TO 6/5/18)

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ORDER 18-05-15-01
/ In the Matter of Adding One Fulltime Equivalent (1.0 FTE) Investigator to the District Attorney’s Office within the General Fund for FY17-18. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-02/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Peterson CAT, in the Amount of $111,235.73, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Caterpillar CB7 Vibratory Compactor as per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #032515-CAT, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $3,500 to Aaron Baker, Map No. 17-04-20-14-22200. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-04/ In the Matter of Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2018-19 (FY18-19) Regional Wastewater Program Budgets and Capital Improvements Program as Approved by the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC). (PASSED


ORDER 18-05-15-05/ In the Matter of Issuing a Work Authorization Under Contract LCCP-15R-GC-06 for Lane County Mental Health Exterior Repairs. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-06/ In the Matter of Adopting the Lane County Road & Bridge Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2018/19 through 2022/23. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 1356/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Coburg Comprehensive Plan including Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary for Employment Land, Repealing Ordinance No. PA1315, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.  (File Number 509-PA14-05404, Applicant: City of Coburg) (PM & NBA 05/01/2018) (PASSED)


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ORDER 18-05-08-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 9 to Update the Policy on Communicable Disease Response and Control (LM 9.005, 9.500). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-02
/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Denying a Special Use Permit for a General Merchandise Store in the Rural Commercial Zone on Assessor’s Map 18-02-28-34, Tax Lots 2800, 2900 & 3000. (File No. 509-PA17-05645). This item was pulled from the agenda.  No vote or action was taken on this item.

ORDER 18-05-08-03
/ In the Matter of Approving Four Large Events Occurring in Lane County Parks for Multiple Years, 2018 Thru 2020; Specifically the Wildflower and Music Festival, Mushroom Festival, Play in the Rain Day and Country Fair Classic Cross Country Meet. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-04/
In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Two Vacant Positions on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TrAC).  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-05
/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-06
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract for a Community Corrections Center - Residential Reentry Coordinator (CCC/RRC) At the Lane County Adult Corrections Facility, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-05-01-01
/ In the Matter of Approving the Cancellation of Personal Property Uncollectable Taxes.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) Investigator (Oregon Department of Transportation). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-03/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Medical Assistant 2 Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Dedication of Public Road Easement to be Used for Day Lane and Releasing, Dedicating, and Accepting Parcel “A” as Right of Way for Day Lane (17-05-10). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-05/ In the Matter of Appointing an At-Large Member to the Lane County Planning Commission. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-06/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 4 of Lane Manual to Revise Management Policies. (PASSED)

ORDER AND RESOLUTION 18-05-01-07/ In the Matter of Adopting Pursuant to ORS 478.924 Fire Season Regulations and Standards for Lane County Property Located within the Lane Fire Authority District, Providing for a Reasonable Level of Life Safety and Property Protection from the Hazards of Fire, Explosion or Dangerous Conditions during the Fire Season. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 1356/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Coburg Comprehensive Plan Including Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary for Employment Land, Repealing Ordinance No. PA1315, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.  (File Number 509-PA14-05404, Applicant: City of Coburg) (ROLLED TO 5/15/2018)

ORDINANCE 18-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 9 to Update Public Health Provisions (9.500 – 9.562, 9.566-9.685) (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-04-17-01/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contract Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-02/ In the Matter of Changing the Classification Title of the Deputy Medical Examiner to Medical-Legal Death Investigator.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Road Fund Surplus Property Identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot No’s. 17-04-23-44-04300, 04400, and 04500, Eugene, Oregon, to Monkey Hero, LLC.   (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-04/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearing Official’s Approval of a Special Use Permit for an Accessory Structure Located Outside the Same Site Development Area within the Impacted Forest Lands Zone (F-2); Assessor’s Map 18-01-30 Tax Lot 200 (File No. 509-PA17-05644/Ziegler).  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-05/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Relative Farm Help Dwelling on Tax Lot 300, Assessor’s Map 19-03-07.   (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a Purchase Option Agreement with Michael Drews and Brenda Drews for County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 18-02-05-24-08202.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-07/ In the Matter of Adopting Updated Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 9 to Update Environmental and Other Public Health Provisions (9.500 - 9.562, 9.566-9.685). (ROLLED TO 5/1/18)

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ORDER 18-04-10-01/ In the Matter of Announcing and Issuing the Annual Excellence in Public Health Awards. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-02/ In the Matter of Adding Two Full-time (2.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2 Positions in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-03/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries for the Elected Official Positions of Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Consistent with the Market Comparables. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $1,000 to Steven L. And Sherry R. Yoss, Map No. 20-03-33-14-00101. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-05/ In the Matter of Granting an Easement to Joseph Southwell for Ingress and Egress along a Portion of County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-02-21-00-00122. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-10-06/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Proposed Surrender of a Portion of Coast Guard Station Road (County Road Number 65) And a Portion of S. Harbor Vista Drive (County Road Number 1301) To the City of Florence (18-12-10 & 15). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-07/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of the County Assessment Function Funding Assistance (CAFFA) Grant Application to the Oregon Department of Revenue for FY 2018-19. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492)

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ORDER 18-04-03-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Representatives to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Violence against Women Act Grant Application (Oregon Department of Justice, Victims Services Division) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $35,000 to Scott T. Dano, Phillip Lanzarotta, Lorelei Lanzarotta and/or Assigns, Map No. 17-03-27-42-02800, 560 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for 25,500 Pursuant to a Land Sales Contract to Lois E. Reynolds, Claiming Successor to the Estate of Barney Stubbs, Former Owner of Record, Map No. 17-04-35-34-03208, 1557 Quaker St., Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $7,500 to Mary C. McCoy, Map No. 17-03-31-32-10000. (PASSED)

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ORDER & RESOLUTION 18-03-20-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 17-18 Supplemental Budget #3, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-20-02/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2021 Lane County Strategic Plan. (PASSED)


PUBLIC HEARING / ORDER 18-03-20-03/ In the Matter of Surrender of a Portion of Cleveland Street (County Road Number 1956) to the City of Cottage Grove. (21-03-04) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1349/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land from “Forest Land” to “Agricultural Land,” to Rezone Land from “Impacted Forest Land (F-2)” to “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40),” and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File 509-PA16-05160; Applicant: Mikilas). (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-03-13-01/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Remove the Inactive Tourism Council and Economic Development Standing Committee. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-03-13-02/ In the Matter of Readopting Lane Manual 4.020 Relating to Investment Policies. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 20 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to Grant Acceptance and Make Administrative Corrections. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract for Life and Disability Insurance Services and Administration for Lane County Employees and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $17,500 to Bessett’s Lucky LLC,  Map No. 17-02-33-44-01428, 5660 Daisy St., Space 16, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $45,000 to the Center Family Trust, Map No. 18-12-22-21-15500, 652 Ibolt Ct., Florence. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-07/ In The Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Special Transportation Variance Permit Fees (Lm 60.877), Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-08/ In the Matter of Approving two Large Events Occurring in Lane County Parks for Multiple Years, FY19 thru FY21; Specifically the City of Veneta’s Camping at Zumwalt Park and the 4th of July Fireworks Show at Fern Ridge Reservoir. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-09/ In the Matter of Expanding the Harrisburg Enterprise Zone to Include Additional Industrial Lane Located on the East Side of Highway 99S South of Junction City. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; And Adopting a Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (ROLLED TO 4/1/18)


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ORDER 18-02-27-01/ In the Matter of Recommending a Proposed Name for a Natural Feature Located in Lane County to the Oregon Geographic Names Board. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-02/ In the Matter of Appointing a Performance Auditor, Directing Human Resources to Finalize Employment Agreement, and Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute the Final Employment Agreement. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-03/ In the Matter of Amending The Health and Life Insurance Provisions in Lane Manual Chapter 2. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Hydro-Temp Mechanical Incorporated for Willamette Building HVAC Upgrades in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $647,300 and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-05/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Peterson CAT, in the Amount of $683,569.72, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Caterpillar D7E WH Waste Handling Bulldozer as Per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #032515-CAT, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision denying a Preliminary Partition on property identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 18-01-00-00-01500. (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands (F-2) Zone on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 17-01-21-00-00110, pursuant to the ‘Template Dwelling’ provisions of Lane Code 16.211(5) and (8). (File No. 509-PA17-05553/ Yu Ying Lin Living Trust). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-08/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for One Legal Lot Comprised of Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 21-01-30-00-01602 and 01607. (File No. 509-PA17-05487/Jennings/Kryl). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO.18-01/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 9 of Lane Code to Revise Urban Growth Area Recycling Regulations (PM & NBA 02/13/2018) (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; And Adopting a Severability Clause. (ROLLED TO 3/13/18)


ORDINANCE 1358/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Agricultural” to “Marginal Land” and Rezone that Land From “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)” to “Marginal Land (ML/SR) with Site Review”, Adopting Supplemental Findings to Address Deficiencies of County Ordinance No. PA 1317 as Identified in the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of the County Decision (LUBA No. 2016-019) with Site Review (SR) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Planning File 509-PA12-05208; Applicant: Iverson; Staff: Deanna Wright, Associate Planner). (PM & NBA 11/28/2017, 12/12/2017, 01/23/2018) (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-02-13-01
/ In the Matter of a Refund to RC Springfield 2007 LLC in the Amount of $292,002.56. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-02
/ In the Matter of a Refund of $483,844.93 to 3500 Chad Drive LLC and Guard Publishing Co. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-03
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Department of Public Safety Fees (60.839). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-04
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Tiger Corporation, in the Amount of $306,569.07, for the Purchase of Three (3) New Unused, Current Model John Deere 5115M Tractors With Tiger Flail Mowers Built as Per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #052417-TGR, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-05
/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Proposed Surrender of a Portion of Cleveland Street (County Road Number 1956) to the City of Cottage Grove (21-03-04). (PASSED)

/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 9 of Lane Code to Revise Urban Growth Area Recycling Regulations. (ROLLED TO 2/27/18)

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ORDER 18-02-06-01
/ In the Mater of Moving 0.50 FTE from General Fund 124 to Special Revenue Fund 260 and .06 FTE from General Fund to Local Option Tax Levy Fund 290 within the Department of Public Safety. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-02/ In the Mater of Reappointing Dale Stoneburg and Larry Abel to the Lane County Budget Committee.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-03/ In the Matter of Extending the Insurance Consulting Contract with Brown & Brown Northwest and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Current and Future Extensions Through January 30, 2025. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-05/ In the Matter of Allocating $9,600 from the Animal Services Special Revenue Fund Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust to Address Immediate Facility Needs at the 1st Avenue Shelter.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Construction Contract to Condon-Johnson & Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $703,243.60, for Grading and Structures, Bernhardt Creek Road Landslide Repair, Prospective Contract No. 17/18-02.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for four (4) parcels within properties identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 18-03-15-00-00201, 00202, 00205, 00303, 00300 (part), and 304; (File No. 509-PA17-05220/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with City of Springfield and the United States Bakery D/B/A Franz Family Bakeries to Approve a Three-year Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption and to Extend the Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption an Additional Two Years for a Total of Five Years for an Investment at Its Manufacturing Facility in Springfield Oregon. (PASSED)


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ORDER 18-01-30-01
/ In the Matter of a Refund to PeaceHealth in the Amount of $34,649.38. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-02
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapters 3 and 61 to Move the Workers’ Compensation Program and Delegate Settlement Authority to the Workers’ Compensation Administrator. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-03
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $11,000 to William Wallace, Map No. 21-35-16-14-07900. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-04
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $11,500 to John Brandon Moore, Map No. 21-35-16-24-03300. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-05
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $1,000 to Amy C Boissevain and David W. Boissevain, Map No. 21-35-16-14-07900. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-06
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Road Fund Surplus Property Identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot No. 20-03-32-00-00602, Cottage Grove, Oregon, to the City of Cottage Grove. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-07
/ In the Matter of Adding Four Full-time (4.0 FTE) Mental Health Associates, One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2, One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Peer Support Specialist and One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Senior Management Analyst in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-08
/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for four (4) parcels within properties identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 18-03-15-00-00201, 00202, 00205, 00303, 00300 (part), and 304; (File No. 509-PA17-05220/McDougal). (FAILED FOR LACK OF MOTION)

ORDER 18-01-30-09
/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for an Environmental Characterization of the Creswell Closed Landfill, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-01-23-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Expend and Commit County Resources During an Emergency Until an Emergency Meeting of the Board.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-03/ In the Matter of Posting Weight Limits for Specialized Hauling Vehicles on Eleven Lane County Bridges as Follows:  Maple Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C571; Indian Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C542;  Indian Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C544;  West Fork Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C548;  West Fork Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C549;  River Drive Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C212;  Sharps Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C236/20668;  Big Fall Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C635;  Big Fall Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C636; Winberry Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C637;  and Kitson Springs Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C627.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Public Road Easement to be Used for County Road Purposes for Wallace Creek Road (County Road Number 421) (18-02-14). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Department of Public Safety Fees (60.839). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-06/ In the Matter of Directing Human Resources to Negotiate Employment Agreement with __________________ for the Position of Performance Auditor. (Failed for lack of Motion)

ORDINANCE NO. PA 1349/ In the Matter of Amending The Rural Comprehensive Plan To Redesignate Land From “Forest Land” To “Agricultural Land”, To Rezone Land From “Impacted Forest Land (F-2)” To “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)”, And Adopting Savings And Severability Clauses (File 509-PA16-05160; Applicant: Mikilas) (PM & NBA 12/05/2017, 12/19/2017) (ROLLED TO 3/20/18)

ORDINANCE No. PA 1358/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Agricultural” to “Marginal Land” and Rezone that Land From “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)” to “Marginal Land (ML/SR) with Site Review”, Adopting Supplemental Findings to Address Deficiencies of County Ordinance No. PA 1317 as Identified in the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of the County Decision (LUBA No. 2016-019) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Planning File 509-PA12-05208; Applicant: Iverson) (PM 11/28/2017, 12/12/2017) (ROLLED TO 2/27/18)

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ORDER 18-01-09-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Liaisons to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-09-02
/ In the Matter of Appointing Representatives to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-09-03
/ In the Matter of Establishing Board of Commissioners Meeting Roles and Rules of Conduct. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-09-04
/ In the Matter of Selecting a Newspaper to Publish Monthly Notice of Expenditures, Personal Property Tax Warrants, and Notices of Real Property Tax Foreclosure. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-05/ In the Matter of Appointing Justices Pro Tempore for the Lane County Justice District through January 9, 2019. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-06/ In the Matter of Granting Authority Pursuant to ORS 476.280 to Extinguish Uncontrolled Fires in Unincorporated Lane County.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-07/ In the Matter of Approving the Delegation of Authority/Incident Commander. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-08/ In the Matter of Incorporating Oregon Statutory Caselaw into the Lane Manual. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-09/ In the Matter of Incorporating Oregon Statutory and Caselaw into the Lane Code. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-10/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-11/ In the Matter of Reappointing Five Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-12/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-13/ In the Matter of Appointing a New Resident Commissioner to the HACSA Board of Commissioners. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-14/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Expend and Commit County Resources During an Emergency Until an Emergency Meeting of the Board. (PASSED) REPLACED BY ORDER 18-01-23-01

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December 2018

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ORDER 18-12-18-01
/ In the Matter of Accepting the Lane County, Oregon Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June30, 2018, and Ordering it to be Filed with the Secretary of State.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-02/ In the Matter of Appointing a Board Member to the Association of Oregon and California Land Grant Counties for 2019 as a Result of Newly Adopted Association By-Laws. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Laurel Hill Center for Supportive Outreach Services for Single Homeless Adults. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-06/ In the Matter of Appointing One Returning Member to the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-07/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Award a Contract for Police Vehicle Outfitting Services, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing an Access Easement Over County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-03-31-11-01400, 540 Oak St., Eugene, for the Benefit of MD Commons, LLC. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-09/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a 99-year lease agreement with MD Commons, LLC for County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-03-31-11-02100, Parking Lot on NW Corner of 6th  and Oak St. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-10/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $150,000 to Peter Kryl, Map No. 17-03-36-32-03100, 1436 Main St., Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-11/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $17,350 to the Estate of Ronald L. Richardson, Map No. 17-02-31-13-06800, 305 38 St., Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-12/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Complete the Purchase of the Former Eugene City Hall Lot from the City of Eugene and Sell the Butterfly Lot to the City of Eugene and the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-13/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 5 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to Monetary Penalties Related to Gatherings (LM 5.020). (ROLLED TO 1/29/18)


ORDER 18-12-18-14/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and the Federation of Oregon Parole and Probation Officers, Parole and Probation Unit. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-18-15/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Ground Lease Agreements with Market District LLC for County Owned Real Property along 6th Ave in Downtown Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE PA 1364/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) To Adopt the Lane County Parks & Open Space Master Plan, Adopt the Howard Buford Recreational Area (HBRA) Habitat Management Plan, and Adopt the 1994 HBRA Master Plan That Was Previously Adopted as Part of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) that has Since Been Amended to No Longer Include HBRA, as Special Purpose Plans of the RCP; And Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 8-11/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 3 to Update Small and Large Gathering License Requirements. (LC 3.995). (ROLLED TO 1/29/19)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-12/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400 to Add a Reference to Plan Components Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1364 and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (Department File No. 509-PA18-05762). (PASSED)

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ORDER & RESOLUTION 18-12-11-01/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #2, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-11-02/ In the Matter of Appointing an At-Large Member to the Lane County Planning Commission. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035). (ROLLED TO 1/15/19)

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ORDER 18-12-04-01
/  In the Matter of Increasing the Sole Source Determination Amount for Selection of St. Vincent De Paul of Lane County to Provide Winter Warming Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract in the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-02/ In the Matter of Approving Receipt of a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services (SUD-MH) Grant in the Amount of $346,500. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-03/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign All Documents and Agreements Related to the Housing First Project IGA Approved in Board Order 18-07-10-06. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Lane County Sheriff to Extend for Three Years an Existing Five Year Lease with Vertical Bridge Holdings for a Radio Site on Wolf Mountain.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-05/ In The Matter of Accepting Motorola Proposal “IP Simulcast. G-Series Upgrade, ASR Sites and Subscriber Add-On” In The Amount of $3,639,984 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator To Sign The Purchase Order And Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-12-04-06/ In the Matter of a Loan Forgiveness Request from Orchid Health Collective LLC in the Amount of $19,600 and to Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-12-04-07/ In the Matter of Revising the 2017-2019 Community Corrections Grant-in-Aid and Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budgets and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Criminal Justice Planner to Sign and Submit JRGP Revision Forms Online and to Complete and Submit the Community Corrections Biennial Plan Modifications Form, and to the County Administrator to Amend Intergovernmental Agreements and Contracts.  (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO PA 1364/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) To Adopt the Lane County Parks & Open Space Master Plan, Adopt the Howard Buford Recreational Area (HBRA) Habitat Management Plan, and Adopt the 1994 HBRA Master Plan That Was Previously Adopted as Part of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) That Has since Been Amended to No Longer Include HBRA, as Special Purpose Plans of the RCP; And Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause;


ORDINANCE NO. 18-12/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400 to Add a Reference to Plan Components Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1364 and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (Department File No. 509-PA18-05762). (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)


ORDINANCE NO 18-11/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 3 to Update Small and Large Gathering License Requirements (LC 3.995) (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)

November 2018

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ORDER 18-11-27-01/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Remove the Farm Review Board (LM 3.520). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-02
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to the Membership of the Public Safety Coordinating Council. (LM 3.540). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-03
/ In the Matter of Releasing, Dedicating, and Accepting Lot “A” of the Plat of Reta Franklin Addition, as Right of Way for Horace Street, a Public Road (18-02-05-23). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-27-04
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Add and Update Fees to Implement Lane Code Chapter 14 Amendments Effected with Ordinance 18-02. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $13,000 to Pamela D. Tallmadge and Rachel H. Tallmadge, Former Owners of Record, Map No. 18-03-06-22-11100, 856 W. 20th Ave., Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-06/ In the Matter of Accepting a Grant in the Amount of $550,000 Awarded by Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for the Lane County Veterans Treatment Court Mentoring and Domestic Violence Intervention Enhancement Grant and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Subcontracts for the Grant.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-27-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $500,000 to Wright Lumber Inc. Pursuant to a Lease/Purchase Option Agreement Map No. 19-01-08-00-03800, 38534 Dexter Road. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035). (ROLLED TO 12/11/18)



ORDINANCE 18-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6 to Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area Into Alignment and Declaring an Emergency. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (ROLLED TO 12/18/18)


(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

​ORDER 18-11-13-01/ In the Matter of Settling the U.S. District Court Case of Angelo Fricano v. Lane County. (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-11-06-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing Karen Gaffney to the Mental Health Director Position and Jocelyn Warren to the Health Director Position as Ex-Officio Members of the Lane County Public Safety Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-02/ In the Matter of Approving Allocations Totaling $33,886 for 2019 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the McKenzie River and Authorizing Distribution of Funds. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-03/ In the Matter of Appointing Timothy Morris to the Lane County Budget Committee to fill an Unexpired Term for District 3 (South Eugene). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-04/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Juvenile Justice Specialist Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-05/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-06/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract for Design Services Related to Replacement of the Lane County Public Service Building and Harris Hall Roofing System. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-11-06-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with City of Springfield and Umpqua Dairy Products Co. / Rush Creek Holdings, LLC to Approve a Three Year Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption and to Extend the Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption an Additional Two Years for a Total of Five Years for an Investment at a New Facility in Springfield, OR. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-11-06-08
/ In the Matter of Designating a Voting Delegate for the Board of Directors Election, Position #5, at the Council of Forest Trust Land Counties. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA18-05035) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)


ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to June 30, 2020; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6. In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 6. To Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area Into Alignment and Declaring an Emergency.
(ROLLED TO 11/27/18)



October 2018

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-10-30-01
/ In the Matter of Extending the Grant to Travel Lane County for Visitor Marketing Services through June 30, 2021 and Setting the Date for the Next Performance and Program Audit No Earlier than September 30, 2023. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Driving under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) Investigator. (Oregon Department of Transportation). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-03/  In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Feenaughty Machinery Co., in the Amount of $211,500.00, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Kobelco ED160-5 BladeRunner Excavator, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $19,000 to the Gordon-Woods Family Trust, Map No. 18-12-23-31-16400. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-05/ In the Matter of Granting a Utility Easement to the Emerald People’s Utility District Over County Property Identified as Map No. 19-01-08-00-03800. (Dexter Mill Property). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $19,000 to Keith Consiglio, Map No. 17-12-35-23-01200. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-30-07/ In the Matter of Updating Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature. (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-10-16-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing Eight New Members to the Mental Health Advisory / Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-02/ In the Matter of Accepting US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) Grant Funding via a Subgrant through Oregon Health Authority (OHA) In an Amount up to $3,000,000. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-03/ In the Matter of Amending the Governance Charter of the Poverty and Homelessness Board and Appointing One New Member. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Catholic Community Services for Housing Stabilization Services for Low Income Families. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-05/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Reconsidered Hearings Official Decision Approving a Preliminary Partition on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 18-01-00-00-01500; (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-06/ In the Matter of Agreeing to the City of Springfield’s Low Income Rental Housing Property Tax Exemption (LIRHPTE) Program. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-07/ In the Matter of Adjusting Approximate Percentage of Distribution between the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Youth Services from 79% Sheriff’s Office, 21% Youth Services to Approximately 84.5% Sheriff’s Office, 15.5% Youth Services of the Five Year Public Safety Local Option Levy and Establishing That Future Percent Adjustments Occur through the Annual Budget Process. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-16-08/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Elected Officials Consistent with the Market Comparators. (NO VOTE TAKEN, SEE ORDERS 18-10-16-10, 18-10-16-11, and 18-10-16-12)

ORDER 18-10-16-09/ In the Matter of Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for the City of Creswell. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (PM & NBA 07/31/2018, 8/21/2018) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)

ORDER 18-10-16-10/ In the Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Assessor, Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Consistent with the Market Comparators.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-16-11/ In Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salary of Lane County’s District Attorney Consistent with the Market Comparators. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-16-12/ In the Matter Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries of Lane County’s Board of Commissioners Consistent with the Market Comparators. (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-10-09-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Dan Buckwald, Tom English, and Denis Hijmans as Lay Citizen Members of the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Members to the Public Health Advisory Committee (LM 3.538). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-05/ In the Matter of Allocating $23,275 from Special Revenue Fund 260 in the Department of Public Works as Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust to Address Immediate Facility Needs at the 1st Avenue Shelter. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $3,300 to Nicholas V. Crosby, Map No. 18-10-08-30-01101. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-10-09-07/ In the Matter of Accepting Bids Tendered at a Sheriff’s Sale on November 3, 2017 for Surplus County Owned Real Property and Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute the Quitclaim Deeds.  (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to January 1, 2019; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (PM 9/25/18) (ROLLED TO 11/6/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-10-02-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing Payment of $89,667.67 to the Oregon Department of Revenue Senior Tax Deferral Program. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Establish Administrative Procedures Regarding Expenditures and Time Management of the County Administrator, the County Counsel, and the Performance Auditor. (LM 3.015). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-03/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming the Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Forest Template Dwelling on Tax Lot 201, Assessor’s Map 18-02-11. (File No. 509-PA17-05951; Betz/Evans) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Purchase Order for Law Enforcement Services on Bureau of Land Management Lands Located in Lane County and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Purchase Order Base Year and up to Four Subsequent Options. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-10-02-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Quitclaim Deed and Release of the County Owned Forest Work Camp Real Property and Fixtures to Veteran’s Legacy, Map No. 19-07-25-00-00700, 21500 Siuslaw River Road, Veneta, OR 97487 in the Amount of One Dollar ($1). (PASSED)

September 2018

(View Agenda)  (View Minutes)

ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-09-25-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #1, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Pools of Board Members who may be Selected by the County Clerk to sit on the Board of Property Tax Appeals. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-03/ In the Matter of Increasing the Sole Source Determination Amount for Selection of St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County to provide Winter Warming Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-25-04/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Goals. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-09-11-05/ In the Matter of Awarding Title III Projects under P.L. 115-141. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 8 of Lane Code to Extend the Term and Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Oregon II, for Operation of a Cable Communications System to January 1, 2019; Amending Ordinance 12-07. (ROLLED TO 10/9/18)

ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry) (PM 9/11/18.) (ROLLED TO 11/27/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-09-11-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Allocations Totaling $261,055 for 2019 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the Cities of Creswell, Cottage Grove, Coburg, Junction City, Florence, Lowell, Oakridge, and Westfir. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Four Members to the Law Library Advisory Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-03/ In the Matter of Approving a Replacement Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Eugene for Cooperation and Support of the Public Safety Coordinating Council.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Springfield Police Chief Richard Lewis and Confirming Appointments of Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis and Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner to the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Center for Family Development for Intensive Community Care Management (ICCM) Start-up. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-07/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Eugene Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $617,833.50 for Paving Short Mountain LS Road, Prospective Contract No. 18/19-03, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $22,600 Pursuant to a Land Sales Contract to Alanda L. Ashbaugh, 5204 Forsythia Dr., Springfield, Map No. 18-02-04-21-02100. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-09/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $700 to Hayden and Megan Henneman, Map No. 18-05-04-00-01123. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-09-11-10/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Transfer the Authority and Functions under State Law for Emergency Management for Lane County from the Sheriff and Office of the Sheriff to the County Administrator. (LM 3.044, 3.132) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1363/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a Quarry to the Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; Authorize Mining and Processing as Provided by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-0180; Amending the RCP to Redesignate Lane From Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M), and Rezone that Land From Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; Requiring Site Review of the Proposed Mining Operations Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(A)-(J); Repealing Ordinance PA 1343; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Planning File No.: 509-PA18-05392 – Remand, and original files 509-PA15-05803 & 509-PA15-05804; Applicant: Old Hazeldell Quarry). (ROLLED TO 9/25/2018)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 11/6/2018)

August 2018

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-08-28-01
/ In the Matter of Directing the Tracking and Reserving of Secure Rural Schools / Timber Revenue in the Road Fund. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-02/ In the Matter of Approving a Telecommunications System Management and Service IGA and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-03/ In the Matter of Accepting the Intergovernmental Agreement for Human Services and Related CDBG Contracts for FY 2019 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts in the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-05/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2023 Lane County Multi Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-06/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the Lane County Prosecuting Attorneys’ Association. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-07/ In the Matter of Dropping One Step and Adding One Step to the Salary Tables to Maintain Market Competiveness for Non-Represented Classifications. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-28-08/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Amend the Parks Master Plan Contract with MIG, Inc., to Increase the Total Contract Amount to $147,738, Extend the Term to June 30, 2019 and Approve the Use of $25,000 in Special Projects Transient Room Tax Funds. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code (LC) 16.090 (Definitions), LC 16.210 (F-1 Zone), LC 16.211 (F-2 Zone), LC 16.212 (EFU Zone), LC 16.214 (ML Zone), and LC 16.264 (Telecommunication Tower Standards) to Update Definitions, Modernize Terminology, Enhance the User Experience by Simplifying the Code, Streamline Review Processes, and Align the Code More Closely with State Law; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 9/11/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-08-21-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Bylaw Revisions for the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-03/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor and One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2 in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-04/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Professional Technical Supervisor and One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Mental Health Specialist 2 in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $17,500 to Daniel Douffet and Jake Urzua, Map No. 20-03-15-23-00402, 32856 I St., Cottage Grove (Saginaw). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $15,000 to Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually but as Trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, Map No. 18-03-08-42-00301. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Sheriff’s Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property on September 17, 2018 and Delegating Authority to the Property Management Officer to Remove Any Particular Property from the Sale If Determined to Be in the County’s Best Interest.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-08-21-08/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Amendments, Contracts, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 10/16/18)


ORDINANCE NO. 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (PASSED)


July 2018

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-07-31-01
/ In the Matter of Amending the Intergovernmental Agreement of the Southern Willamette Private Industry Council to Specify Allocation of Liability Among Member Governments and Clarify participating Members. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-02/ In the Matter of Reappointing Two Members to the Community Health Council Committee. (LM 3.515). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-03/ In the Matter of Amending the Job Codes for the Classification of Program Supervisor and Adding Pay Grade C43. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-04/ In the Matter of Approving Supplemental Project Agreement No. 32771 with Oregon Department of Transportation to Provide Planning and Preliminary Engineering for the Howard Elementary & Colin Kelly Middle School Traffic Congestion Mitigation Project and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-05/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation and City of Springfield for the S. 28th Street Dust Mitigation Project, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement and Related Construction Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Decision by the Lane County Hearings Official Affirming In-part and Reversing In-part the Planning Director Approval of a Request for Legal Lot Verifications of Five Lots Pursuant to Lane Code 13.020 on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 20-13-15 Tax Lot 100; 20-03-10, Tax lots 2900, 3000, 3100 and 1504; (File No. 509-PA17-05998/Northwest Mineral Resources, LLC). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-07/ In the Matter of Approving the Purchases of Cerium Corporation Professional Services and Avaya Telephone System Equipment for Replacement of the County’s Telephone System in an Amount Not to Exceed $800,000, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-31-08/ In the Matter of Establishing New Salary Ranges for Psychiatrist and Child Psychiatrist Classifications. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-07/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 13 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update References and Definitions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 13; and Adopting a Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05453). (ROLLED TO 8/21/2018)


(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-07-24-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing One Member to the Public Health Advisory Committee (LM 3.538).


ORDER 18-07-24-02/ In The Matter of Making a Sole Source Determination of the Two Firms Available to Provide Commingled Recycling and Cardboard Processing. (PASSED


ORDER 18-07-24-03/ In the Matter of Awarding Contract 17/18-14 to Central Service Inc., in the Amount of $226,577.33, for Supply and Installation of an Aboveground Fuel Storage Tank and Dispensers  at the Glenwood Central Receiving Station, and Authorizing the Administrator To Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Accept a Grant from the Oregon State Marine Board, Agreement No. 1582, to Install Four Piles in Siltcoos Lake to Anchor the Floating Restroom. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-05/ In the Matter of Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Sections of Springfield-Creswell Highway (Oregon Route 222) From ODOT to Lane County, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-24-06/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Performance Evaluation. (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-07-10-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to the Law Library Advisory Committee (LM 3.610). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-02/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time Regular (1.0 FTE) Developmental Disability Specialist Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-03/ In the Matter of Accepting the Workforce Partnership/Adult Services Revenue Contract and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract in the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Administrative Services Agreement, and Stop Loss Insurance with PacificSource for Plan Year 18-19 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-05/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Intergovernmental with the Oregon State Marine Board in the Amount of $467,752.00.  (PASSED) 


ORDER 18-07-10-06/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Homes for Good for the Housing First Building Site and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to sign the Approved Agreement in the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-07/ In the Matter of Updating Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-07-10-08/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Update the Hearings Official Decision Appeal Fee (LM 60.851).  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (PM & NBA 02/27/2018, 03/13/2018, 04/10/2018, 05/22/2018, 6/19/18).  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (PM & NBA 06/12/18, 06/26/18).  (PASSED)

June 2018

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-06-26-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 2 to Update the Provisions Pertaining to Public Records Law to Conform with 2017 Legislative Changes. (LM 2.163). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-03/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County for Short Term Housing for Homeless Families. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $53,000 to Bruce Wiechert Custom  Homes, Inc. Map No. 17-03-33-11-01300, 1777 Brandy Way, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-06/ In the Matter of Approving a Project for the Modernization of the Charnelton Building Elevators, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Related Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-26-07/ In the Matter of Annexing Territory to the Dexter Sanitary District to Provide Sewer Service to the Annexed Territory; Assessor’s Map 19-01-16-20 Tax Lot 00100. (File No.  S-DE-2018-ANX-1) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 and Chapter 9 of /UL Urban Land Eugene Code to Implement ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause; and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-04265) (PM & NBA 06/12/18) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Implement Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards within the Urbanizing Areas Outside of the Metro Plan Boundary as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05334) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (PM & NBA 06/12/18)  (ROLLED TO 7/10/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-06-19-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 17-18 Supplemental Budget #4, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER / RESOLUTION 18-06-19-02/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2019 Budget, Making Appropriations and Imposing and Categorizing Taxes. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-03/ In the Matter of Revising the Capital Interfund Loan from the Solid Waste Fund to the Information Services Fund by changing the receiving fund from the Information Services Fund to the Technology Replacement Fund. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-04/ In the Matter of Making the Sole Source Determination for Selection of PeaceHealth Medical Group to Provide Prenatal Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Determination and Extend the Contract with the Sole Source Provider.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-05/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Center for Family Development to Provide Behavioral Rehabilitation Services to Youth in the Phoenix Program.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-19-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Gresham Ford of Gresham OR, in the Amount of $157,747.75, for the Purchase of Five (5) Ford Police Sport Utility Vehicles, as per Oregon State Purchasing Agreement, Contract # 5551, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming and Partially Modifying a Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Forest Template Dwelling on Tax Lot 102, Assessor’s Map 19-04-11. (File No. 509-PA17-05775; Kasle) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-08/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands (F-2) Zone Pursuant to Lane Code 16.211(5) & (8) on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 19-06-02-00605. (File No. 509-PA17-05773/Nielsen/Dorsey). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-09/ In the Matter of Endorsing Recommendations Related to the Advancement of Health Equity in Lane County. (PASSED)


 ORDER 18-06-19-10/ In the matter of approving the Lane County Courthouse Funding Agreement with the Oregon Department of Administrative Services and Oregon Judicial Department for Phase I of the Lane County Courthouse Project, and granting authority to the County Administrator to execute documents related to the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-11/ In the Matter of Approving Renewal of Purchased Insurance Policies and Delegating Authority to Execute the Renewal Documents to the Risk Manager. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-19-12/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Changes for the Lane County American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2831- General Unit.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-19-13/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Changes for the Lane County American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2831- Nurses Unit. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (PM & NBA 02/27/2018, 03/13/2018, 04/10/2018, 05/22/2018)  (ROLLED TO 7/10/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-06-12-01/
In The Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 Revising Refund of Taxes on Real and Personal Property (LM 3.034 And LM3.840).  Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-03/ In the Matter of Appointing One New Member and Reappointing Two Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-04/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the Chair of the Board of Commissioners to Sign a Renewal Application for a Residential Care Facility License at Youth Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-05/ In the Matter Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Certain Health & Human Services Fees. Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision to Modify and Partially Reverse a Planning Director’s Legal Lot Verification Decision for Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 16-02-35-00-00610/1900 and 16-02-25-00-00302 in Combination and 16-02-35-00-01102. (File No. 509-PA17-05996; Podhorsky). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming a Planning Director Revocation of an Approved Measure 49 Exclusive Farm Use Dwelling on Tax Lot 100, Assessor’s Map 17-05-03. (File No. 509-PA17-05309). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-08/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Wildish Construction Co., in the Amount of $159,135 for Paving, Zone 5 Maintenance Shop in Florence Oregon, Prospective Contract No. 17/18-12, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-09/ In the Matter of Filing a List of FY 18/19 Public Improvement Projects for Lane County Department of Public Works with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Related Contracts and Agreements. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-10/ In the Matter of Voluntarily Remanding a County Decision Back to the Lane County Hearings Official for Further Proceedings.  The Appealed Decision on Remand from the Land Use Board of Appeals Concerns a County Decision that Affirmed the Lane County Hearings Official’s Denial for a Preliminary Partition under Board Order 18-02-27-06; Assessor’s Map 18-01-00-00-01500. (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-11/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for 2018 Surface Transportation Program Fund Exchange in the Amount of $929,716.40 for the North Coburg Road Paving Project, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-12/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to OBEC Consulting Engineers in the Amount of $257,631.10, for Bridge Street Bridge #39C111 Deck Replacement & Truss Painting Design and to Delegate Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract and Related Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-13/ In the Matter of Revising the Bylaws of the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-14/ In the Matter of Revising the 2017-2019 Grant-in-Aid and Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budgets and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Criminal Justice Planner to Sign and Submit JRGP Revision Forms Online and to Complete and Submit the Community Corrections Biennial Plan Modification Form, and to the County Administrator to Amend Intergovernmental Agreements and Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-06-12-15/ In the Matter of Approving the Vacation of Certain Alleys Located Adjacent to Lane County-Owned Properties Identified as Assessor's Map and Taxlot Numbers 17-03-31-11 2800 and 3200, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Documents Related to the Vacation. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 and Chapter 9 of /UL Urban Land Eugene Code to Implement ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause; and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-04265) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)


ORDINANCE 18-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Implement Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards within the Urbanizing Areas Outside of the Metro Plan Boundary as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting a Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05334) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)


ORDINANCE 18-06/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Co-Adopt Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards for the Urbanizing Area Between the City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield as Enabled by ORS 197.312(5), Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Declaring an Emergency. (County File No. 509-PA18-05365) (ROLLED TO 6/26/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-06-05-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of Comments and Input to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Consideration in Conjunction with Proposed Rulemaking regarding the Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes, Flavored Tobacco Products and Regulation of Premium Cigars. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-02/ In the Matter of a Refund to Macy’s in the Amount of $34,248.02. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 2 to Update the Provisions Pertaining to Public Records Law to Conform with 2017 Legislative Changes (LM 2.160 – 2.170). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-04/ In the Matter of Accepting Funding in the Amount of $200,000 from Trillium Community Health Plan for Expansion of FUSE Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-05/ In the Matter of Approving Receipt of a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Grant in the Amount of $3,461,909.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-06-05-06
/ In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Ashley Adelman to the Parks Advisory Committee. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (ROLLED TO 8/21/18)

May 2018

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-05-22-01
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Multi-Year Contract for Independent Audit Services to Moss Adams LLP, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-02/ In the Matter of Establishing the Facilities Electrician Classification and Salary Range. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-03/ I In the Matter of Approving Certain Contract Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $2,000 to Baker Investments Inc., Map No. 17-03-22-20 Tax Lots 02401 and 02407. (PASSED)


ORDER AND RESOLUTION 18-05-22-05/ In the Matter of Recognizing Matthew Jackson and Chris Young’s Outstanding Service to the Community. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-06/ In the Matter of Surrender of a Portion of Coast Guard Station Road (County Road Number 65) and a Portion of S. Harbor Vista Drive (County Road Number 1301) to the City of Florence (18-12-10 & 15). (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-22-07/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of the Lane Manual (LM 60.875) to Adjust Existing Waste Management Fees Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-22-08/ In the Matter of Approving a 5-Year Renewable Lease with Weyerhaeuser Company for the Sheriff’s Office Radio Tower Site on Harness Mountain and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Lease. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 18-02/  In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; and Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14, and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492). (ROLLED TO 6/19/18)


ORDINANCE 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-Resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone That Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land” to “Rural Residential Lands Zone (RR-5/NRES, RCP)” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA15-05722; Applicant: Gimpl Hill LLC). (ROLLED TO 6/5/18)


(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-05-15-01
/ In the Matter of Adding One Fulltime Equivalent (1.0 FTE) Investigator to the District Attorney’s Office within the General Fund for FY17-18. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-02/ I In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Peterson CAT, in the Amount of $111,235.73, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Caterpillar CB7 Vibratory Compactor as per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #032515-CAT, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $3,500 to Aaron Baker, Map No. 17-04-20-14-22200. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-04/ In the Matter of Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2018-19 (FY18-19) Regional Wastewater Program Budgets and Capital Improvements Program as Approved by the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC). (PASSED


ORDER 18-05-15-05/ In the Matter of Issuing a Work Authorization Under Contract LCCP-15R-GC-06 for Lane County Mental Health Exterior Repairs. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-05-15-06/ In the Matter of Adopting the Lane County Road & Bridge Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2018/19 through 2022/23. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 1356/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Coburg Comprehensive Plan including Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary for Employment Land, Repealing Ordinance No. PA1315, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.  (File Number 509-PA14-05404, Applicant: City of Coburg) (PM & NBA 05/01/2018) (PASSED)


(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-05-08-01
/In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 9 to Update the Policy on Communicable Disease Response and Control (LM 9.005, 9.500). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-02
/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Denying a Special Use Permit for a General Merchandise Store in the Rural Commercial Zone on Assessor’s Map 18-02-28-34, Tax Lots 2800, 2900 & 3000. (File No. 509-PA17-05645). This item was pulled from the agenda.  No vote or action was taken on this item.

ORDER 18-05-08-03
/ In the Matter of Approving Four Large Events Occurring in Lane County Parks for Multiple Years, 2018 Thru 2020; Specifically the Wildflower and Music Festival, Mushroom Festival, Play in the Rain Day and Country Fair Classic Cross Country Meet. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-04/
In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Two Vacant Positions on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TrAC).  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-05
/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-08-06
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract for a Community Corrections Center - Residential Reentry Coordinator (CCC/RRC) At the Lane County Adult Corrections Facility, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-05-01-01
/ In the Matter of Approving the Cancellation of Personal Property Uncollectable Taxes.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) Investigator (Oregon Department of Transportation). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-03/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Medical Assistant 2 Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Dedication of Public Road Easement to be Used for Day Lane and Releasing, Dedicating, and Accepting Parcel “A” as Right of Way for Day Lane (17-05-10). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-05/ In the Matter of Appointing an At-Large Member to the Lane County Planning Commission. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-05-01-06/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 4 of Lane Manual to Revise Management Policies. (PASSED)

ORDER AND RESOLUTION 18-05-01-07/ In the Matter of Adopting Pursuant to ORS 478.924 Fire Season Regulations and Standards for Lane County Property Located within the Lane Fire Authority District, Providing for a Reasonable Level of Life Safety and Property Protection from the Hazards of Fire, Explosion or Dangerous Conditions during the Fire Season. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE 1356/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Coburg Comprehensive Plan Including Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary for Employment Land, Repealing Ordinance No. PA1315, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.  (File Number 509-PA14-05404, Applicant: City of Coburg) (ROLLED TO 5/15/2018)

ORDINANCE 18-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 9 to Update Public Health Provisions (9.500 – 9.562, 9.566-9.685) (PASSED)

April 2018

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ORDER 18-04-17-01/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contract Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-02/ In the Matter of Changing the Classification Title of the Deputy Medical Examiner to Medical-Legal Death Investigator.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Road Fund Surplus Property Identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot No’s. 17-04-23-44-04300, 04400, and 04500, Eugene, Oregon, to Monkey Hero, LLC.   (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-04/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearing Official’s Approval of a Special Use Permit for an Accessory Structure Located Outside the Same Site Development Area within the Impacted Forest Lands Zone (F-2); Assessor’s Map 18-01-30 Tax Lot 200 (File No. 509-PA17-05644/Ziegler).  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-05/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Relative Farm Help Dwelling on Tax Lot 300, Assessor’s Map 19-03-07.   (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a Purchase Option Agreement with Michael Drews and Brenda Drews for County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 18-02-05-24-08202.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-17-07/ In the Matter of Adopting Updated Priorities and Principles for the Oregon Legislature.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 9 to Update Environmental and Other Public Health Provisions (9.500 - 9.562, 9.566-9.685). (ROLLED TO 5/1/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-04-10-01/ In the Matter of Announcing and Issuing the Annual Excellence in Public Health Awards. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-02/ In the Matter of Adding Two Full-time (2.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2 Positions in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-03/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Salaries for the Elected Official Positions of Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Consistent with the Market Comparables. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $1,000 to Steven L. And Sherry R. Yoss, Map No. 20-03-33-14-00101. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-05/ In the Matter of Granting an Easement to Joseph Southwell for Ingress and Egress along a Portion of County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-02-21-00-00122. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-10-06/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Proposed Surrender of a Portion of Coast Guard Station Road (County Road Number 65) And a Portion of S. Harbor Vista Drive (County Road Number 1301) To the City of Florence (18-12-10 & 15). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-04-10-07/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of the County Assessment Function Funding Assistance (CAFFA) Grant Application to the Oregon Department of Revenue for FY 2018-19. (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; and Adopting a Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (ROLLED TO 5/22/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-04-03-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Representatives to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-02/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Delegating Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney’s Office Violence against Women Act Grant Application (Oregon Department of Justice, Victims Services Division) (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $35,000 to Scott T. Dano, Phillip Lanzarotta, Lorelei Lanzarotta and/or Assigns, Map No. 17-03-27-42-02800, 560 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for 25,500 Pursuant to a Land Sales Contract to Lois E. Reynolds, Claiming Successor to the Estate of Barney Stubbs, Former Owner of Record, Map No. 17-04-35-34-03208, 1557 Quaker St., Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-04-03-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $7,500 to Mary C. McCoy, Map No. 17-03-31-32-10000. (PASSED)

March 2018

(View Agenda)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER & RESOLUTION 18-03-20-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 17-18 Supplemental Budget #3, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-20-02/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2018-2021 Lane County Strategic Plan. (PASSED)


PUBLIC HEARING / ORDER 18-03-20-03/ In the Matter of Surrender of a Portion of Cleveland Street (County Road Number 1956) to the City of Cottage Grove. (21-03-04) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1349/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land from “Forest Land” to “Agricultural Land,” to Rezone Land from “Impacted Forest Land (F-2)” to “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40),” and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File 509-PA16-05160; Applicant: Mikilas). (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-03-13-01/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Remove the Inactive Tourism Council and Economic Development Standing Committee. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-03-13-02/ In the Matter of Readopting Lane Manual 4.020 Relating to Investment Policies. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 20 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to Grant Acceptance and Make Administrative Corrections. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract for Life and Disability Insurance Services and Administration for Lane County Employees and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $17,500 to Bessett’s Lucky LLC,  Map No. 17-02-33-44-01428, 5660 Daisy St., Space 16, Springfield. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $45,000 to the Center Family Trust, Map No. 18-12-22-21-15500, 652 Ibolt Ct., Florence. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-07/ In The Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Special Transportation Variance Permit Fees (Lm 60.877), Effective July 1, 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-08/ In the Matter of Approving two Large Events Occurring in Lane County Parks for Multiple Years, FY19 thru FY21; Specifically the City of Veneta’s Camping at Zumwalt Park and the 4th of July Fireworks Show at Fern Ridge Reservoir. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-03-13-09/ In the Matter of Expanding the Harrisburg Enterprise Zone to Include Additional Industrial Lane Located on the East Side of Highway 99S South of Junction City. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; And Adopting a Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA16-05492) (ROLLED TO 4/10/18)

February 2018

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ORDER 18-02-27-01/ In the Matter of Recommending a Proposed Name for a Natural Feature Located in Lane County to the Oregon Geographic Names Board. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-02/ In the Matter of Appointing a Performance Auditor, Directing Human Resources to Finalize Employment Agreement, and Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute the Final Employment Agreement. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-03/ In the Matter of Amending The Health and Life Insurance Provisions in Lane Manual Chapter 2. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-04/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Hydro-Temp Mechanical Incorporated for Willamette Building HVAC Upgrades in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $647,300 and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-05/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Peterson CAT, in the Amount of $683,569.72, for the Purchase of One (1) New Unused, Current Model Caterpillar D7E WH Waste Handling Bulldozer as Per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #032515-CAT, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-06/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision denying a Preliminary Partition on property identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 18-01-00-00-01500. (File No. 509-PA17-05297/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands (F-2) Zone on Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 17-01-21-00-00110, pursuant to the ‘Template Dwelling’ provisions of Lane Code 16.211(5) and (8). (File No. 509-PA17-05553/ Yu Ying Lin Living Trust). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-27-08/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for One Legal Lot Comprised of Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 21-01-30-00-01602 and 01607. (File No. 509-PA17-05487/Jennings/Kryl). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO.18-01/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 9 of Lane Code to Revise Urban Growth Area Recycling Regulations (PM & NBA 02/13/2018) (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 18-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Add, Revise, and Delete Definitions and Provisions to Modernize and Update the Entire Chapter; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10, 13, and 16 to Update References, Definitions, and Provisions for Consistency with Lane Code Chapter 14; And Adopting a Severability Clause. (ROLLED TO 3/13/18)


ORDINANCE 1358/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Agricultural” to “Marginal Land” and Rezone that Land From “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)” to “Marginal Land (ML/SR) with Site Review”, Adopting Supplemental Findings to Address Deficiencies of County Ordinance No. PA 1317 as Identified in the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of the County Decision (LUBA No. 2016-019) with Site Review (SR) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Planning File 509-PA12-05208; Applicant: Iverson; Staff: Deanna Wright, Associate Planner). (PM & NBA 11/28/2017, 12/12/2017, 01/23/2018) (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-02-13-01
/ In the Matter of a Refund to RC Springfield 2007 LLC in the Amount of $292,002.56. (PASSED)



ORDER 18-02-13-02
/ In the Matter of a Refund of $483,844.93 to 3500 Chad Drive LLC and Guard Publishing Co. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-03
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Department of Public Safety Fees (60.839). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-04
/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Tiger Corporation, in the Amount of $306,569.07, for the Purchase of Three (3) New Unused, Current Model John Deere 5115M Tractors With Tiger Flail Mowers Built as Per National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #052417-TGR, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-13-05
/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Proposed Surrender of a Portion of Cleveland Street (County Road Number 1956) to the City of Cottage Grove (21-03-04). (PASSED)

/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 9 of Lane Code to Revise Urban Growth Area Recycling Regulations. (ROLLED TO 2/27/18)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-02-06-01
/ In the Mater of Moving 0.50 FTE from General Fund 124 to Special Revenue Fund 260 and .06 FTE from General Fund to Local Option Tax Levy Fund 290 within the Department of Public Safety. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-02/ In the Mater of Reappointing Dale Stoneburg and Larry Abel to the Lane County Budget Committee.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-03/ In the Matter of Extending the Insurance Consulting Contract with Brown & Brown Northwest and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Current and Future Extensions Through January 30, 2025. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-05/ In the Matter of Allocating $9,600 from the Animal Services Special Revenue Fund Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust to Address Immediate Facility Needs at the 1st Avenue Shelter.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-06/ In the Matter of Awarding a Construction Contract to Condon-Johnson & Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $703,243.60, for Grading and Structures, Bernhardt Creek Road Landslide Repair, Prospective Contract No. 17/18-02.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-07/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for four (4) parcels within properties identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 18-03-15-00-00201, 00202, 00205, 00303, 00300 (part), and 304; (File No. 509-PA17-05220/McDougal). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-02-06-08/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with City of Springfield and the United States Bakery D/B/A Franz Family Bakeries to Approve a Three-year Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption and to Extend the Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption an Additional Two Years for a Total of Five Years for an Investment at Its Manufacturing Facility in Springfield Oregon. (PASSED)

January 2018

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ORDER 18-01-30-01
/ In the Matter of a Refund to PeaceHealth in the Amount of $34,649.38. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-02
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapters 3 and 61 to Move the Workers’ Compensation Program and Delegate Settlement Authority to the Workers’ Compensation Administrator. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-03
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $11,000 to William Wallace, Map No. 21-35-16-14-07900. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-04
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $11,500 to John Brandon Moore, Map No. 21-35-16-24-03300. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-05
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $1,000 to Amy C Boissevain and David W. Boissevain, Map No. 21-35-16-14-07900. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-06
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Road Fund Surplus Property Identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot No. 20-03-32-00-00602, Cottage Grove, Oregon, to the City of Cottage Grove. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-07
/ In the Matter of Adding Four Full-time (4.0 FTE) Mental Health Associates, One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Office Assistant 2, One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Peer Support Specialist and One Full-time (1.0 FTE) Senior Management Analyst in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-30-08
/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision approving a Legal Lot Verification and Notice for four (4) parcels within properties identified as Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 18-03-15-00-00201, 00202, 00205, 00303, 00300 (part), and 304; (File No. 509-PA17-05220/McDougal). (FAILED FOR LACK OF MOTION)

ORDER 18-01-30-09
/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for an Environmental Characterization of the Creswell Closed Landfill, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 18-01-23-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Expend and Commit County Resources During an Emergency Until an Emergency Meeting of the Board.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-03/ In the Matter of Posting Weight Limits for Specialized Hauling Vehicles on Eleven Lane County Bridges as Follows:  Maple Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C571; Indian Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C542;  Indian Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C544;  West Fork Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C548;  West Fork Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C549;  River Drive Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C212;  Sharps Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C236/20668;  Big Fall Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C635;  Big Fall Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C636; Winberry Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C637;  and Kitson Springs Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 39C627.  (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Public Road Easement to be Used for County Road Purposes for Wallace Creek Road (County Road Number 421) (18-02-14). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Department of Public Safety Fees (60.839). (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-23-06/ In the Matter of Directing Human Resources to Negotiate Employment Agreement with __________________ for the Position of Performance Auditor. (Failed for lack of Motion)

ORDINANCE NO. PA 1349/ In the Matter of Amending The Rural Comprehensive Plan To Redesignate Land From “Forest Land” To “Agricultural Land”, To Rezone Land From “Impacted Forest Land (F-2)” To “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)”, And Adopting Savings And Severability Clauses (File 509-PA16-05160; Applicant: Mikilas) (PM & NBA 12/05/2017, 12/19/2017) (ROLLED TO 3/20/18)

ORDINANCE No. PA 1358/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Agricultural” to “Marginal Land” and Rezone that Land From “Exclusive Farm Use (E-40)” to “Marginal Land (ML/SR) with Site Review”, Adopting Supplemental Findings to Address Deficiencies of County Ordinance No. PA 1317 as Identified in the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of the County Decision (LUBA No. 2016-019) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Planning File 509-PA12-05208; Applicant: Iverson) (PM 11/28/2017, 12/12/2017) (ROLLED TO 2/27/18)


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ORDER 18-01-09-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Liaisons to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-09-02
/ In the Matter of Appointing Representatives to Various Committees and Agencies. (PASSED) REPLACED BY ORDER 18-04-03-01

ORDER 18-01-09-03
/ In the Matter of Establishing Board of Commissioners Meeting Roles and Rules of Conduct. (PASSED)

ORDER 18-01-09-04
/ In the Matter of Selecting a Newspaper to Publish Monthly Notice of Expenditures, Personal Property Tax Warrants, and Notices of Real Property Tax Foreclosure. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-05/ In the Matter of Appointing Justices Pro Tempore for the Lane County Justice District through January 9, 2019. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-06/ In the Matter of Granting Authority Pursuant to ORS 476.280 to Extinguish Uncontrolled Fires in Unincorporated Lane County.  (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-07/ In the Matter of Approving the Delegation of Authority/Incident Commander. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-08/ In the Matter of Incorporating Oregon Statutory Caselaw into the Lane Manual. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-09/ In the Matter of Incorporating Oregon Statutory and Caselaw into the Lane Code. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-10/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-11/ In the Matter of Reappointing Five Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-12/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-13/ In the Matter of Appointing a New Resident Commissioner to the HACSA Board of Commissioners. (PASSED)


ORDER 18-01-09-14/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Expend and Commit County Resources During an Emergency Until an Emergency Meeting of the Board. (PASSED) REPLACED BY ORDER 18-01-23-01

(View Agenda)

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